1995-12-04 - Re: Apachessl (was your mail)

Header Data

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
To: JHupp@Gensys.Com
Message Hash: aa9254f4882e70c948e95dfbd6e4596da8bda7f8382f26b0af33aeaec77b30cb
Message ID: <199512040321.TAA23272@infinity.c2.org>
Reply To: <2B69E5170C1@Novellnet.Gensys.com>
UTC Datetime: 1995-12-04 03:26:27 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 3 Dec 95 19:26:27 PST

Raw message

From: sameer <sameer@c2.org>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 95 19:26:27 PST
To: JHupp@Gensys.Com
Subject: Re: Apachessl (was your mail)
In-Reply-To: <2B69E5170C1@Novellnet.Gensys.com>
Message-ID: <199512040321.TAA23272@infinity.c2.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> 	Personally, I would prefer to see the whole thing given away, and if I
> had done it, it would be.  But he (or his contractors / employees ) did
> the work that went into modifying it, and if he want's to sell that
> work he bloody well can.

	Hell, *I'd* prefer to see the whole thing given away. Ain't
gonna happen though. It's called US patent law. (I would have put
*much* less work into it, if it was going to be given away, though, so
the fact that people have to pay for it actually results in a better
non-commercial version as well. [the only thing you don't get with the
non-commercial version is commercial use licensing for the patent
stuff and support..])
	Maybe though, if the various lawsuits disputing the patents go
through and the patents are found invalid or something, commercial use
will be possible for free.

sameer						Voice:   510-601-9777
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