From: daw@boston.CS.Berkeley.EDU (David A Wagner)
Message Hash: cbc543b900c679ccadfc22dc7bf8d47e1f8415cc4546c13fbe0da64e72e3376b
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-12-07 01:25:52 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:25:52 PST
From: daw@boston.CS.Berkeley.EDU (David A Wagner)
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:25:52 PST
Subject: Re: Solution for US/Foreign Software?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
In article <>,
Scott Brickner <> wrote:
> I agree. It does bring to mind an idea, though. Netscape builds an
> exportable system by choosing a random 128 bit number and then just
> including 88 bits of it in plaintext.
> This means one of two things. Either there's a field which holds the
> "key", but the export version stores 88 bits plain + 40 bits cipher,
> and knows this structure, or there's a field which holds the 128 bit
> enciphered key, and a second field which holds the 88 bits of plaintext
> key.
It's the former (in SSL v2.0).
I looked into this, because the former version can be vulnerable to
related-key attacks, if not done right. SSL v2.0 does it right.
(In particular, SSL v2.0 hashes both the 88 bit salt + 40 bit secret
to get all the cipher keys.)
> In the former, the patch would be more significant, but still possible.
> You'd disable the "write the plain" part and extend the "decode the
> cipher" part to decode all 128 bits --- probably just a loop test.
(And you'd have to change the cipher type from RC4-40 to RC4-128.)
Or write a local proxy to convert from RC4-40-salted to RC4-128.
- ---
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1995-12-07 (Wed, 6 Dec 95 17:25:52 PST) - Re: Solution for US/Foreign Software? - daw@boston.CS.Berkeley.EDU (David A Wagner)