From: “Rev. Ben” <samman-ben@CS.YALE.EDU>
To: Den of CryptoAnarchists <>
Message Hash: d59b7c8c560fc59855ba54b09796aab77e450e11161ea75bfb7ffcc451c90486
Message ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.951211141205.26486F-100000@FROG.ZOO2.CS.YALE.EDU>
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UTC Datetime: 1995-12-11 22:14:36 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 06:14:36 +0800
From: "Rev. Ben" <samman-ben@CS.YALE.EDU>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 1995 06:14:36 +0800
To: Den of CryptoAnarchists <>
Subject: Timing Attacks
Message-ID: <Pine.A32.3.91.951211141205.26486F-100000@FROG.ZOO2.CS.YALE.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
I'm not so sure I see the great usefulness of this attack.
I've taken a cursory glance at Mr. Kocher's paper on-line and what it
comes down to essentially, if I undestand it correctly, is that you need
to be as sure of the timing as you can be.
Now, on a distributed system, you can't measure those timings, because
any latency could come from the originating computer, the links in the
middle or any combination of them.
Also precise timings can be limited by fluctuating load averages amongst
other things in a time-sharing computing environment. While this might
work in a lab, with the current advances in computing speed, the
differences between a fast and a slow calculation can easily be opaqued
by network lag.
Am I missing something, or does this attack only work in a lab?
"If what Proust says is true, that happiness is the absence of fever, then
I will never know happiness. For I am possessed by a fever for knowledge,
experience, and creation." -Anais Nin
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