From: “Sudduth, Larry” <>
To: “‘Bill Frantz’” <>
Message Hash: 3430dd07601217c388264232d6347c1b032bbae97d73f1f137c33207e4f95e36
Message ID: <c=US%a=%p=SecureC2%l=SC2960105005614AH005700@sc2>
Reply To: _N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-01-05 12:02:08 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 20:02:08 +0800
From: "Sudduth, Larry" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1996 20:02:08 +0800
To: "'Bill Frantz'" <>
Subject: Compuserve grovels to foreign censors
Message-ID: <c=US%a=_%p=SecureC2%l=SC2960105005614AH005700@sc2>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
At 15:05 1/4/96, Bill Frantz wrote:
>Caller ID could tell them where you are calling from. They can also use
>their billing information and user profile information to decide where you
>live and/or how old you are. I wonder if any of these filters will keep
>the German prosecutors off their necks, given that they can be bypassed.
I don't know whether or not one can presume the existence of Caller ID over
in Germany. When I lived there (albeit several years ago), it was a
mixture of old technology (no records of any calls, just a counter that
message units, so one could get a monster phone bill, and not even contest
and new (ISDN and the German Post's version of BTX, Bildschirmtext).
>I feel sorry for them given the situation they are in, and want to kick
>their butts for just rolling over dead instead of fighting for free
Feeling much the way you do about CompuServe's actions, I voted with my
wallet, and canceled my membership. More and more vendors are offering
equivalent support through the I'net anyway. The vision of a tin horn
prosecutor in Munich being successful will only fuel the zeal of the
censors here and elsewhere in the World. (I wonder if the Revolutionary
Guards in Iran are discussing what they next want censored.)
BTW, I've never been an alt.* group reader, etc. That being said, who is
CompuServe to try to control access to it. CompuServe is transport-only,
not a content originator. Since the Una-bomber used Fed-Ex to kill his
should Fed-Ex no longer deliver to US addresses?
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1996-01-05 (Fri, 5 Jan 1996 20:02:08 +0800) - Compuserve grovels to foreign censors - “Sudduth, Larry” <>