1996-01-30 - Signal to noise..

Header Data

From: Adam Shostack <adam@lighthouse.homeport.org>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com (Cypherpunks Mailing List)
Message Hash: 78a1d0f827e4b082a3ab0706bda3d3de83266992520f1e9a88c82bf88035fa00
Message ID: <199601292310.SAA04697@homeport.org>
Reply To: <v02140a01ad32440a4bf4@[]>
UTC Datetime: 1996-01-30 16:50:29 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 00:50:29 +0800

Raw message

From: Adam Shostack <adam@lighthouse.homeport.org>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 00:50:29 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com (Cypherpunks Mailing List)
Subject: Signal to noise..
In-Reply-To: <v02140a01ad32440a4bf4@[]>
Message-ID: <199601292310.SAA04697@homeport.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text

The S/N ratio has been *really* low lately.

Before sending mail to cypherpunks, please take a minute to do a few

1.  Catch up.  No one is impressed that you too are not bowled over by
(e.g.) FV thinking about keyboard scanners.  One or two 'Get real'
messages would suffice.  (I understand that messages often cross in
the net.)

2.  Consider the goals of cypherpunks: To write code that enhances the
freedom and privacy of individuals.  Monkey wrench the forces of evil.
Arbitrage regulatory bodies to our best advantage.  Have a good time,
and make lots of money doing it, should we so please.

3.  Decide if your post really contributes anything to a list of ~1000
people.  Could this go in a private response?  If you're not sure,
take a guess what Perry would say.  If you think he'd flame, try to
justify your post at the top. Anticipate counter arguments.  Do so in
the spirit of discovery, expecting perhaps that you'll decide the
message shouldn't go out.  I don't send over half the messages I start
to write on this standard.

4.  Pay attention to basic points of netiquette, such as making clear
what is your text, and what was posted by someone else.  Don't quote
more than is needful.

5.  Consider spending some time installing a Mixmaster remailer. :)

Mixmaster is available from http://obscura.com/ and my easy to use
installer script is available by sending me a message with a Subject
line of "get mix-installer" (without quotes.)  It will have a web page
in a few days, when I need a break from writing other useful Mixmaster

| When the world community has a double standard when it comes to treating
| Isreal's actions differently from any other country, those "warlords" might

PS to PHB - Reminds you of old times, doesn't it? ;)

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."
