1996-01-23 - Re: January 22 Infoworld

Header Data

From: llurch@networking.stanford.edu (Rich Graves, Fucking Statist)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: c76b2dde5b46136393ee6f17e2555e9910deb98d5a979fe108cb8e0490dc8e6f
Message ID: <199601232125.QAA16020@bb.hks.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-01-23 23:07:47 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 07:07:47 +0800

Raw message

From: llurch@networking.stanford.edu (Rich Graves, Fucking Statist)
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 07:07:47 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: January 22 Infoworld
Message-ID: <199601232125.QAA16020@bb.hks.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


stainles@bga.com (Dwight Brown) kindly shared with the group:
>Nicholas Petreley's "Down To the Wire" column is a short take on the
>insecurity of encryption schemes used by most commercial software.
>There shouldn't be much new here to cypherpunks (he discusses the
>vulnerabilities of WordPerfect, Word for Windows, Excel, and Compuserve's
>CIS.INI, and uses some out of date examples "to protect the integrity of
>current software": bad move, Nicholas), but it'd make a good introduction
>for people who aren't familiar with the issues.
>Petreley also announces that InfoWorld is planning a "network-cracking
>event", in which they plan to set up various network OS'es, make them as
>secure as they can, invite "a small number of accomplished hackers" to
>attack them, and publish the results. He says they're looking for
>InfoWorld's web site is http://www.infoworld.com. Petreley can be reached at

Unfortunately, Petreley's latest article isn't on the Web yet. But it's
worth checking out last midweek's column, if only t see Sameer's name. This
was only posted online.

- -rich
- ---
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