To: N/A
Message Hash: 08351bdae89aa1eb81a146a4bb3a7beb8150a2da80928fcab5fadadcf60b237d
Message ID: <QQaffj24602.199603012355@relay3.UU.NET>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-03-02 00:06:41 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 08:06:41 +0800
Date: Sat, 2 Mar 1996 08:06:41 +0800
Subject: No Subject
Message-ID: <QQaffj24602.199603012355@relay3.UU.NET>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Here is your friendly reminder of the Austin Cypherpunks meeting
tomorrow, Saturday the 2nd. We'll meet at the Central Market Cafe at
38th and Lamar at 6PM. Topics include the video (I'll have a
camera!), ITAR relaxation, RC4 now being called PC1, how to duck the
CDA using crypto, hardware random number generators, and stuff like
that. The meeting should go around 2 hours depending on the crowd,
and there is a Bookstop next door if you want to browse some reading
material later.
Look for the people with technical books and/or crypto-related shirts.
They will be us.
(I'm sending this to both austin-cpunks and cypherpunks.)
Ben Combee, CAD Software Developer, small language enthusiast, HTML dude
Motorola, Paging Products Group, Strategic Semiconductor Operation--Austin
E-mail: Phone: (512) 891-7141
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1996-03-02 (Sat, 2 Mar 1996 08:06:41 +0800) - No Subject -