1996-03-14 - Re: Why escrow? (was Re: How would Leahy bill affect crypto

Header Data

From: “Deranged Mutant” <WlkngOwl@UNiX.asb.com>
To: jim bell <jimbell@pacifier.com>
Message Hash: 892efbe0a5bb4fade603d8a66ade674a86e7dc465c2259d6607fb110b2d73864
Message ID: <199603141305.IAA07488@UNiX.asb.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-03-14 13:21:40 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 08:21:40 -0500

Raw message

From: "Deranged Mutant" <WlkngOwl@UNiX.asb.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 08:21:40 -0500
To: jim bell <jimbell@pacifier.com>
Subject: Re: Why escrow? (was Re: How would Leahy bill affect crypto
Message-ID: <199603141305.IAA07488@UNiX.asb.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On 13 Mar 96 at 15:27, jim bell wrote:
>                                                            That's why I'm more than a little 
> disturbed about the one really bad portion of the Leahy bill:  The one that 
> makes using encryption to thwart an investigation a crime......

Same here. If crypto becomes commonplace in everything, one may not 
have a choice if one is in the midst of a crime.  And what if the 
"crime" is planning a demonstration that say, interferes with some 
government activity?  You don't want the COINTELPRO busybodies to 
know what you're planning, but when you're arrested it's another 
charge they can throw in.

> If I were trying to detect government investigation in such a situation, I 
> would buy a crypto phone, open an "escrow account" on a totally voluntary 
> basis, give them a phony key, and then (as part of the 
(presumably?)  [..]

Would it be legal to deceive an escrow agent?


Send a blank message with the subject "send pgp-key" (not in
quotes) to <WlkngOwl@unix.asb.com> for a copy of my PGP key.
