From: “A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security” <>
Message Hash: dce2b23b26cab381b3b6227989e8c2b8a3332bb851efef1fb977b55bad5e2634
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-03-07 16:07:14 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 00:07:14 +0800
From: "A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 00:07:14 +0800
Subject: Anonymous remailers and Leahy bill
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
>I am assuming they fix the obvious error in the phrasing above.
Until they do, we can only guess at the intent.
>"Thanks for the use of your nifty anonymous remailer. Under a different
>name, I intend to use this remailer (along with others) to transmit child
>pornography, plot terrorism, and do all of my drug deals. You've made my
>life so much more secure!"
At this point, Bob has no choice other than to reply with: "I assume you are
joking however since what you have stated is in violation of numerous laws,
we have no choice other than to disable your account. If we find that
illegal acts have been committed using this remailer, we will have no choice
other than to report such actions."
Anyone stupid enough to make a statement like this deserves to be disabled.
>At that point, Bob is GUILTY of violation of the Leahy bill, because his
>encrypted anonymous remailer:
No, if Bob were to follow the above scenario, he would already be guilty of
terminal stupidity.
>So maybe the word gets out, occasionally. At that point, usage of anonymous
>remailers declines, and people willing to risk operating one declines. A
>few come up which are run by the Feds, which log anyone who attempts to use
Declines ? They are only protection from amateurs. Do you really not
believe that everything in and out of & others is not
monitored *at the ISP/carrier level* ?
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1996-03-07 (Fri, 8 Mar 1996 00:07:14 +0800) - Anonymous remailers and Leahy bill - “A. Padgett Peterson P.E. Information Security” <>