1996-04-15 - Re: [Political Rant] Was: examples of mandatory content rating?

Header Data

From: “E. ALLEN SMITH” <EALLENSMITH@ocelot.Rutgers.EDU>
To: unicorn@schloss.li
Message Hash: 7a4667b1389ee2aec738d42b8448dda2d31970b4c869adbd33c162e08a9b5d11
Message ID: <01I3JIYYDAEA8Y5179@mbcl.rutgers.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-04-15 02:19:53 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:19:53 +0800

Raw message

From: "E. ALLEN SMITH" <EALLENSMITH@ocelot.Rutgers.EDU>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 10:19:53 +0800
To: unicorn@schloss.li
Subject: Re: [Political Rant] Was: examples of mandatory content rating?
Message-ID: <01I3JIYYDAEA8Y5179@mbcl.rutgers.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

From:	IN%"unicorn@schloss.li"  "Black Unicorn" 14-APR-1996 00:37:25.93

>I tend to disagree.  Ratings are generally consumed by parents and 
>otherwise custodial entities.  The largest and richest market anywhere 
>has always been the 18-25 range, or 18-30 depending on who you talk to.  
>I don't have figures, but I think that internet users probably 
>prodominantely fall into 18-25/18-30.  This age group generally could 
>care less.  It's much easier to search by subject or key word than by 
>paying attention to ratings in any event.  There is no real market for 
>ratings.  If there were a strong market incentive for it, there would be 
>no need for government intervention, which there clearly is.  Sure some 
>schools will purchase the services, maybe some parents, but this is a 
>long leap from major market and industry making entities.

	I'm not sure if the major use for ratings may not be searching for
material that the raters don't like. I'd be interested in many things the
fundys don't like, for instance. One could even do this via one of the
"services" that mails out listings of places to be locked from kids - just
sign up one of your anonymous employees, and get the data and put it on your
anonymous web access site. Doing so - if you don't admit you've done it - may
be cheaper than doing the research yourself. Of course, you'll need to check
out each such site to make sure that it isn't a decoy that they've inserted.
