1996-04-13 - Re: Scientologists may subpoena

Header Data

From: SBinkley@atitech.ca (Scott Binkley)
To: me%muddcs.cs.hmc.edu@genie_1 (Michael Elkins)
Message Hash: ebaf23947357f7883455caff7ac0e2f6a9fac8ce8a57bdc00f86e2fc8f3c660a
Message ID: <5F61983A01502C79@-SMF->
Reply To: <1A5C983A02502C79@-SMF->
UTC Datetime: 1996-04-13 16:14:28 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 00:14:28 +0800

Raw message

From: SBinkley@atitech.ca (Scott Binkley)
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 1996 00:14:28 +0800
To: me%muddcs.cs.hmc.edu@genie_1 (Michael Elkins)
Subject: Re: Scientologists may subpoena
In-Reply-To: <1A5C983A02502C79@-SMF->
Message-ID: <5F61983A01502C79@-SMF->
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>with bated breath to see whether or not the subpoena is issued.  But if
>chaning outside the US won't even work, then the remailers aren't going
>to do a whole lot of good.

What if we set up a chaining remailing system in as many countries as 
possible, all working in double blind
mode.  You could have it randomly pick 20 or so remailers before actually 
sending the message to its destination.

That isn't a very clean method, but would sure slow down the process of 
obtaining court orders in each respective country.

I have this other idea, but it would be difficult to set up.  Again, with 
many many remailers, you could set it up, so that 
any message you send is sent to a random FTP site of the day.  Each of 
the remailers randomly picks messages out
of the pool at the FTP site, and sends it on its way (all is encrypted of 
course).  At the end of the day, the FTP site is 
erased, and  a new one is set up somewhere else (all remailers would then 
scan there).

The beauty is that when a remailer pulls a message out of the FTP site, 
it has no idea where the message came from, nor which
remailer (country) sent it there (providing the pooled messages have had 
the return addresses removed).  This would make it 
very difficult to track down to the source.

The disadvantage is that it requires cooperation between remailers, and 
that a message cannot be replied to.

Anyway, just my $0.02

