1996-05-05 - Re: Why Leahy is No Friend of Ours

Header Data

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
To: tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May)
Message Hash: d40236a5f542950921bdcf04b8699245adb03fc3e1986faf10ad6c549800fbf9
Message ID: <199605050003.RAA11588@eff.org>
Reply To: <adaf989101021004d99d@[]>
UTC Datetime: 1996-05-05 04:06:51 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 12:06:51 +0800

Raw message

From: Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org>
Date: Sun, 5 May 1996 12:06:51 +0800
To: tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May)
Subject: Re: Why Leahy is No Friend of Ours
In-Reply-To: <adaf989101021004d99d@[]>
Message-ID: <199605050003.RAA11588@eff.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Timothy C. May typed:

> But no Congressman who co-sponsors such legislation as the "National
> Wiretap Initiative," with its "1% of the engineering capacity" requirements
> and other such Big Brother Surveillance State clauses, is a friend of ours.

No legislator at all is our friend.  The legislature is a gateway - we push 
an issue thru it into the politico-legal system, and other groups push 
their own issues back through the gateway at us.  Whoever pushes more, and
times their pushing with when the gate is open, wins.

This isn't about making chums.  Leahy is a gatekeeper, like any other 
legislator. We don't have to like him, just get him to open the gate for us,
and close it for our opponents.

<HTML><A HREF="http://www.eff.org/~mech/">    Stanton McCandlish
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