1996-07-10 - Re: Word lists for passphrases [vocabularypunks]

Header Data

From: Erle Greer <erleg@sdinter.net>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 2fc6de59236f2b832d674bc2bfc56bdcf1cd90a554e69a90e5b0fee8eb7b7607
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-10 07:57:28 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 15:57:28 +0800

Raw message

From: Erle Greer <erleg@sdinter.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 1996 15:57:28 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Re: Word lists for passphrases [vocabularypunks]
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

At 01:18 PM 7/9/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>>> "Mark" == Mark M <markm@voicenet.com> writes:
>Mark> According to Altavista:
>Mark> nethermost   - 45
>Mark> insatiable   - 200
>Mark> insufferable - 200
>Mark> I know I have too much free time.
>According to Dejanews:
>  Individual word hit counts                                                 
>     * nethermost: 185
>     * insatiable: 1191
>     * insufferable: 752
>     * antidisestablishmentarianism: 142   :-)
>steve@miranova.com baur
>Unsolicited commercial e-mail will be proofread for $250/hour.
>Andrea Seastrand: For your vote on the Telecom bill, I will vote for anyone
>except you in November.

Ok fellas, I am usually against senseless arguing.  Especially over a
subject that certain individuals shouldn't even had wasted the time to reply
to if they couldn't give a sh*t about it in the first place.  Therefore, I
assume that they are arguing JUST to argue, but they wait until a topic pops
up that they have some background in, therefore standing a chance of
winning.  Well, you already lost when you assumed that something worthwhile
or useful would come of your negative responses.  Oh, excuse me; you did get
replies to your responses, so I guess your investment did turn a profit.

Well, stooping even further into your realm, I too visited my trusty search
utility, MetaCrawler.  It too found all four of your words.  I decided to
pluck five odd-looking words from my MAINLIST.TXT produced by Word-List
Builder.  The list is COMPLETELY untouched or altered by human hands.  I ran
all five of them through MetaCrawler and your DejaNews (ultra list source)
and here are the results:

Word                 MetaCrawler DejaNews
-------------------- ----------- --------
DisplayWorkstationSe 0           0
SETUPPP              0           0
TmpDirPad            0           0
dsRegSetPads         0           0
TotalSwapReqdFromINF 0           0

(These words were all found in the first 1% of my list and then I got bored.)

Logic tells me that a word that can be found ANYWHERE with a
publicly-available search utility would not be the IDEAL passphrase to lock
up my secrets.

Well, now that I know where YOU will be assembling your list from, I can
rest assured to pull one from my list instead.

