1996-07-14 - e-mail spam solution by Bryce Re: ADMIN: Please ignore HLD publishing

Header Data

From: Bryce <wilcoxb@nagtje.cs.colorado.edu>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 3487dcb3ae336af5db0495c131c83167c62acf6afa527b18fb47b9577f607371
Message ID: <199607141226.GAA17430@nagtje.cs.colorado.edu>
Reply To: <cola-liw-837245733-6912-0@liw.clinet.fi>
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-14 15:36:04 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:36:04 +0800

Raw message

From: Bryce <wilcoxb@nagtje.cs.colorado.edu>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 23:36:04 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: e-mail spam solution by Bryce Re: ADMIN: Please ignore HLD publishing
In-Reply-To: <cola-liw-837245733-6912-0@liw.clinet.fi>
Message-ID: <199607141226.GAA17430@nagtje.cs.colorado.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


[this is an e-mail reply to a Usenet post, carbon-copied to
cypherpunks list.]

In comp.os.linux.announce you, Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi>, wrote:
>Meanwhile, I'm beginning to feel rather annoyed by the general spam
>problem, especially e-mail spam.

Me too.

> During the worst days, about half of my non-mailing-list mail is spam.
> I am in the process of installing a filter that will make it more 
> difficult to reach me via e-mail.  I am going to require strangers to 
> use a password in the subject line to reach me (people I know will be 
> put onto a whitelist).  It will be easy to get the password, but 
> I doubt that spammers will bother.  This filtering is not in effect 
> yet.  I'll inform you when it is.

I have a great idea for an upgrade to your filter, for that
fateful day when spammers start using your password:

Have your filter reject any incoming mail which is not 1) from
one of your white-listed friends or 2) accompanied by a one U.S.
Dollar "good faith" deposit.  Spammers will not find it
worthwhile to send unwanted mail, because it costs them one
dollar each time.  But people who sincerely have interesting
information for you, even if they are not people on your
whitelist, can send the one dollar "good faith" deposit with a
good chance that you will give the money back to them once you
have read their letter.

Just another example of how Ecash(tm) is going to improve the



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Comment: www.c2.net/~bryce -- 'BAP' Easy-PGP v1.1b2

