1996-07-30 - Re: Just some comments on what I’ve read here

Header Data

From: Ryan Russell/SYBASE <Ryan.Russell@sybase.com>
To: Scottauge <Scottauge@aol.com>
Message Hash: 3fbc4051e9e2d8e6720e9dc83e1c3f7a7e09b02f736f28f6a2cb7617e1cc7079
Message ID: <9607292315.AA23622@notesgw2.sybase.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-30 02:31:57 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:31:57 +0800

Raw message

From: Ryan Russell/SYBASE <Ryan.Russell@sybase.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 10:31:57 +0800
To: Scottauge <Scottauge@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Just some comments on what I've read here
Message-ID: <9607292315.AA23622@notesgw2.sybase.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

And my point is that you obviously have no 
clue about running a sizeable net.  It looks like you
are trying to propose Fidonet.  Go ask one
of them how much it costs for them to run
a node.

Any sort of dialup service is pretty much going to
limit you to store-and-forward items.  Any full-time
links attempting to mesh "a few thousand" 
users is going to quickly exceed my paltry $400K.

You might want consider using the main Internet, 
and looking into encryption...


---------- Previous Message ----------
To: Ryan.Russell, cypherpunks
From: Scottauge @ aol.com @ smtp
Date: 07/29/96 06:49:45 PM
Subject: Re: Just some comments on what I've read here

In a message dated 96-07-29 18:28:06 EDT, you write:

> It won't be that expensive...lesse....my WAN, for about 5000
>  people and 15000 machines, only runs me about $400,000 US
>  per month.  That's just circuit charges, of course... doesn't 
>  include any of the networking equipment or cost of the
>  machines....is this a troll or what?
I dunno, are you a nob?

As I recall I said the expenses where going to be in the switches (or public

Plus I'm thinking the most basic services of telnet, ftp, smtp, and some

Plug two network boards (whether ethernet or X.25 or ATM) into a UNIX
computer and you have a router.

You cannot tell me that hardware (minus the hardcore ATM/X.25 stuff) is not
inexpensive enough to put something together.  At least for a few thousand
users all sophisticated enough to know how to install a UNIX or Linux
system... I'm talking about a club here - not a replacement for the internet.

Open up your mind, dude....
