1996-07-24 - the VTW—FBI Connection (fwd)

Header Data

From: Sharma <sharma@aa.net>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 52c35bcfdc4375c760d68a900721bad4f8176eaaec477f3f85ea26d0400bce9e
Message ID: <Pine.LNX.3.94.960723144843.21461A-100000@big.aa.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-24 12:19:15 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 20:19:15 +0800

Raw message

From: Sharma <sharma@aa.net>
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 20:19:15 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: the VTW---FBI Connection (fwd)
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.94.960723144843.21461A-100000@big.aa.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

I am asking for some verification that you (cypherpunks) have something to
do with this before I forward it anywhere. I looked at the vertexgroup and
so-oregon webpages, and there is no investigative journalism there that I
was able to find. Please get back to me soon.




>X-URL: <URL:http://www.vertexgroup.com>
>X-URL: <URL:http://www.program.com>
>X-URL: <URL:http://www.so-oregon.com>

>>Date: Sun, 21 Jul 1996 20:51:23 -0600
>>To: cypherpunks@toad.com
>>From: nobody@zifi.genetics.utah.edu (Anonymous)
>>We have received information that VTW is run and supported by the FBI,
>>which we have suspected for reasons listed here.
>>I) They appear to have no financial support or funding source. They
>>do not accept donations. They have no corporate funds. And yet they
>>appear to be a thriving business.
>>II) They are secretive about their location, and do not seem to have
>>a headquarters. The address listed in the NIC is a vacant lot in of
>>all places Brooklyn, NY. They do not have a listed telephone.
>>III) On a tip from a "friend" we learned that the power leader behind VTW
>>is a cleancut man with the unusual name "Shabbir M. Safdar." Not exactly
>>a common name. Several people say they've met him. Our "friend" says
>>that Mr. Safdar is in reality an agent of the FBI.
>>IIII) We didn't believe this without external verification. So we called
>>the Brooklyn office of the FBI and asked for Agent Safdar. No such person.
>>I called the Washington office. No such person. Checked if there is
>>any agent named Safdar. They don't give out this info. Then we tried to find
>>ANY public records on a Safdar, with no luck. No driver's license in NY,
>DC, NJ,
>>etc. No phone, etc. Odd that such a person does not exist and yet runs a
>>"human rights" organization? Then Alice called the NY FBI office. Asked for
>>Agent Safdar. Guess what? "He's not in. Can I take a message". No message,
>>thanks. He'll get the message all right.
>>Now the big question: What is the FBI trying to do getting all these
>>names? What else has "VTW" been doing? And what other organizations like
>>them are there? Who else is in on it? What does this say about EPIC, CDT, EFF?
>>Are Blaze and Schneier dupes, or willing participants? What about their
>>ISP? I think we are all owed an explanation. This is serious. Maybe FOIA or
>>a lawsuit before they burn the files.
>>What do you want to bet "VTW" quietly fades away after a few prefunctory
>>denials, and gets replaced by another organization in due course?
>>Net reporter team Alice and Bob
