1996-07-19 - Re: “address verification databases”?

Header Data

From: Greg Broiles <gbroiles@netbox.com>
To: tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May)
Message Hash: 8933559e1851779aa686fbdb34c1c390ba38ce04bc6cc8a22486f7ed1a5cd175
Message ID: <>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-19 11:23:30 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 19:23:30 +0800

Raw message

From: Greg Broiles <gbroiles@netbox.com>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1996 19:23:30 +0800
To: tcmay@got.net (Timothy C. May)
Subject: Re: "address verification databases"?
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

At 10:57 PM 7/17/96 -0700, Tim May wrote:
>At 9:45 PM 7/17/96, Jeff Weinstein wrote:
>>  Because we have not yet been able to obtain the address verification
>>databases that we need for Canada.  There is someone working on
>>tracking this down right now.  When we get the proper database we
>>will add access to canada.
>>        --Jeff
>Jeff, can you tell us anything more about what these "address verification
>databases" are?
>For example, are they derived from government sources? Census data? (Naw,
>can't be, for at least two obvious reasons). Voting records? (Naw.) Credit
>card purchases? (??)

I followed the links and explored the web site of the "address verification"
provider ( http://www.abii.com ). The data they have about me is outdated
(by at least a year) and apparently derived from a phone book or directory

I picked up a copy of "The Net" magazine at the store tonight because it's
got an article listing several of these Web-accessible address/phone
databases. The article doesn't say anything especially fascinating but it
does list three such sites:


Greg Broiles                |"Post-rotational nystagmus was the subject of
gbroiles@netbox.com         |an in-court demonstration by the People
http://www.io.com/~gbroiles |wherein Sgt Page was spun around by Sgt
                            |Studdard." People v. Quinn 580 NYS2d 818,825.
