1996-07-31 - ANNOUNCEMENT: nym.alias.net enters beta testing

Header Data

From: lcs Remailer Administrator <mix-admin@nym.alias.net>
To: mail2news@anon.lcs.mit.edu
Message Hash: 8a122a13dba689c9c7b668d22ca4ce1d7093c7617ae737e40516e1970ef74adf
Message ID: <199607302340.TAA27428@anon.lcs.mit.edu>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-31 02:42:59 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 10:42:59 +0800

Raw message

From: lcs Remailer Administrator <mix-admin@nym.alias.net>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 10:42:59 +0800
To: mail2news@anon.lcs.mit.edu
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: nym.alias.net enters beta testing
Message-ID: <199607302340.TAA27428@anon.lcs.mit.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


I'm pleased to announce that the nym.alias.net pseudonym server has
now entered the beta-testing phase, and seems quite stable.

Nym.alias.net offers several interesting features:

  * Public-Key encryption of all received mail.  Once mail has gone
    through nym.alias.net, no one can read it except you--even if you
    have been sending your mail to a newsgroup and your reply-block
    and remailers become compromised.

  * Support for multiple, probabilistically-weighted, reply blocks.
    These can be used for redundancy or to foil traffic analysis with

  * Replay detection.  This foils replay attacks, but can also be used
    for higher reliability if you send redundant copies of a message
    through different remailer chains.

  * An option to receive only fixed-length messages (by splitting up
    large messages and padding small ones with garbage).

  * An option to sign mail you send with the remailer's public key, so
    as to give some assurance of authenticity without having to
    publish your own PGP public key.

  * Support for finger [pending DNS approval].  You can choose to make
    your nym's PGP public key available to all who finger its E-mail
    address.  Right now you can test this by fingering at

In addition, experimental nym.alias.net support for Premail is now
available (in the form of a patch to premail 0.44).  With this patch,
premail will store your nym's PGP key on encrypted keyrings.  This
allows you to publish a PGP key for your pseudonym without the danger
of your identity being revealed to someone with access to your main
PGP keyrings (or a backup copy of them).

To obtain more information about nym.alias.net, finger
<nymhelp@anon.lcs.mit.edu> or send mail to <help@nym.alias.net>.  To
get information about using premail with nym.alias.net, finger
<premail-info@anon.lcs.mit.edu> or send mail to

These documents are also available on the new nym.alias.net web page:

Please report all bugs to <admin@nym.alias.net>.  I'll also be glad to
consider feature requests, particularly from anyone interested in
developing any more client software.



Version: 2.6.2

