1996-07-22 - Noise: Re: Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids

Header Data

From: hallam@Etna.ai.mit.edu
To: “Paul S. Penrod” <cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: b4c9237c973b87765ad738de264aa95d38bff26a2c2530a58a574958740c35b0
Message ID: <9607221607.AA00659@Etna.ai.mit.edu>
Reply To: <Pine.3.89.9607201302.A9726-0100000@netcom>
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-22 20:15:51 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:15:51 +0800

Raw message

From: hallam@Etna.ai.mit.edu
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 1996 04:15:51 +0800
To: "Paul S. Penrod" <cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Noise: Re: Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids
In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.89.9607201302.A9726-0100000@netcom>
Message-ID: <9607221607.AA00659@Etna.ai.mit.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

>Limbaugh is giving up the show because it is run in syndication. 
>Syndication is not a profitable format with the ensuing satellite blitz 
>on the horizon. 

I find your argument only moderately less convincing than the average
political campaign ad.

Given Limbaugh's propensity for telling blatant fibs I don't credit anything
he says as being likely to bear any relation to the truth, particularly
when it would mean admitting failure and retreat.

Syndication is highly profitable for many, if its profitable to syndicate
drama with its astronomic production costs it is profitable to syndicate
Rush with his astronomic weight. 

>Limbaugh is a buisnessman and a commentator. He earns a living. He will 
>do what is necessary to leverage his marketability to make the most money.

>Since you've gone to college, I'll have to explain it to you: It's called 
>capitalism - look into it...

Its called failure and spin control. Rush has not announced a new TV show,
he has closed his only TV show. He has closed after his audience declined
and his contracts expired. That is the business decision of the local
stations who don;t see Rush as profitable business anymore and advertisers
who don't want to see their products associated with appologists for
the Oaklahoma bomb.

>You fail to acknowledge the simple fact that a segment of society that 
>feels not only disenfranchised, but that the system is irrepairable will 
>stoop to whatever means they feel is necessary to make their point. They 
>don't care what other people think - just what they believe in. 
>Discrediting is a non issue.

I know that facism has an appeal for many people but that does not mean
that they are not a minority. And I am not using the words Facism as a
casual insult but as an accurate description of a movement which is in
large part a vehicle for racism and has already caused 200 plus murders
at OKC. 

Every time an extreeme idological faction of the left or the right gains
power there are splinter groups from that side claiming that the failure
of the policies is due to them not being compromised and insufficiently 
ideal. Since right wing idealogues have been dominant in the US for some 
time it is the right wing extreemists who are to the fore.

