From: Blanc Weber <>
To: “‘>
Message Hash: cfa6adfcf30b1a0748a6fb60f8eb108007dc3e55b9f5cfd42dee10617cf1f07f
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-07-30 22:32:58 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 06:32:58 +0800
From: Blanc Weber <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 06:32:58 +0800
To: "'>
Subject: RE: Let's Say "No!" to Single, World Versions of Software
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
>Such an international deal would almost certainly mean that even
>fully-domestic versions of software would have to be GAKked.
>Hence the need for us to pressure Netscape, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Novell,
>etc. *not* to play ball on this. This would then "marginalize" the European
>and Asian customers of a special "NSA-readable" version of their products,
>and would likely derail the whole thing.
Deja-vu. Not to take away from the importance of this subject or any
of the fine points which Tim has made, but it looks like it's time for
the CPunk Annual August GAK Discussion on back-door deals, the NSA, and
the Big Software Companies.
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1996-07-30 (Wed, 31 Jul 1996 06:32:58 +0800) - RE: Let’s Say “No!” to Single, World Versions of Software - Blanc Weber <>