1996-07-13 - Execution of signed scripts received by e-mail

Header Data

From: Matt Carpenter <mcarpent@Dusk.obscure.net>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: dd08c504e929acd4bc682d943c6648a8fc490537f7ae3f8960f915bb9bb997f1
Message ID: <199607130841.DAA00240@Dusk.obscure.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-07-13 13:31:11 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 21:31:11 +0800

Raw message

From: Matt Carpenter <mcarpent@Dusk.obscure.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 1996 21:31:11 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Execution of signed scripts received by e-mail
Message-ID: <199607130841.DAA00240@Dusk.obscure.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


This is a rough description of a perl script I'm working on to allow the
automated execution of PGP signed scripts received by e-mail.  I call it

Right now it is in the volatile-ware stage.  Hopefully I'll have it tested
enough to post here shortly, if I feel i can pull myself away from my
research for a few hours.  But I thought I would post a description now to
see if anyone can find any problems with the way I'm going about this or has
any suggestions.

I apologize for the possibly inscrutable descriptions; it's been a while
since I last slept.  Let me know if anything needs clarification.

First, a basic description of the idea:

1. Write a script (perl, sh, etc.) to be executed on a remote machine.
2. Sign the script with PGP.  It can also be encrypted using the public key
   for the emscrypt installation on the remote machine.
3. Mail the signed/encrypted script (a.k.a. emscrypted mail) to the
   address where emscrypt is installed.
4. The script is received and piped to emscrypt (using procmail or
   something similar).
5. Emscrypt checks the PGP signature on the message, and checks for replay
   attacks based on the time stamp from the signature.
6. Emscrypt executes the script, gets the results, encrypts them, and sends
   them back to you.

The install procedure:

Create a directory to hold the PGP keyrings and the emscript temporary files.

Generate a secret/public key pair for the emscrypt software and place in the
emscrypt directory.  These need to be DIFFERENT for each installation of
emscrypt.  Otherwise you are subject to a "same play" attack.  I suppose you
could create two or more installations with the same key if you will ALWAYS
be sending all the same scripts to every installation.

Generate a public keyring in the emscrypt directory which has only the keys
with which you want to be able to validate incoming scripts.  Make them
"trusted" by the emscrypt key.

Update the PGPPASS, PGPPATH, and emscryptPath variables in the emscrypt
script.  This is very important since if the PGPPATH is pointing to your
normal pubring ANYONE with a key in that ring would be able to run scripts
on your system.  Actually only the keys which are "trusted", but there may be
lots of "trusted" keys which you wouldn't trust to run arbitrary scripts on
your computer. 

Test the script to make sure it seems to work alright on your system.  After
that, you can set it up to be automatically called when you receive e-mail
with the magic subject line of your choosing (or in some other way I
suppose).  I've been using something resembling the following procmail


How emscrypt works:

* Get input

Get one input line at a time, and look for Reply-To: and From:  headers to
get a reply address.  As we are slurping up lines, watch for '-----BEGIN
PGP' lines.  If it is for encryption or a signed message (i.e. as long as it
is not for a key block), get all the lines up to and including the
appropriate '-----END PGP' line, and save them to a temp file.

Note that several scripts can be batched together in a single input file.
Just generate the scripts and sign them separately and the combine all the
PGP messages into a single file.  Also, they may be signed with different

* Verify signature

Run PGP on the temp file to verify/decrypt it.  Save the stderr results from
the PGP process in another temporary file.  Get the verified(?)/decrypted
output from a pipe, and save in memory.  

(QUESTION: is it possible to have stderr redirected to a separate input pipe
and avoid writing to disk?  How?  (This is in Perl.)  I was combining the
the stderr and stdout from the PGP process into a single input pipe, but
that may allow for leakage of PGP stderr output into the script we are
verifying/decrypting if we aren't careful.)

Search through the PGP process stderr output to look for important stuff
like whether the signature was good, what the time stamp was, and what the
key user string is.  I'm not real happy with this method.  Probably doesn't
work well with versions other than 2.6.2 or non english language versions.
I'm waiting for the signature code and such in the PGP library from
Systemics (an announcement showed up here a couple days ago,
http://www.systemics.com/software/ ) which will allow this to be much

(QUESTION: Any other ideas for handling this?)

* Check for replay

If the signature is good then we need to check for the dreaded replay
attack.  This is how I have it working:  there is a separate file for each
PGP public key which keeps track of the time stamp for the last executed
script which was signed by that key.  Right now the file names are generated
from the key ID string for the pgp key.  Mainly because we get that for free
when we check the signature.  Will probably run 'pgp -kv "ID string"' so
that I can get the hex key ID, since that would probably make a more
reasonable file name.

Besides the value saved to disk, we store a separate time stamp for this
"batch" of messages in an associative array by key ID.  Each separate mail
message is a batch, but we may have more than a single PGP signed script in
each message.  So the batch time stamp is the stamp we read from a time
stamp file for a key ID when we process the first message in a batch for
that specific key ID.  The batch time stamp is then constant for the
remainder of this run of the script.

Anyway, we generate a file name based on the key ID, save it in an
associative array by key ID for later use, and see if the file actually

If the file doesn't exist, create it and save the time stamp from the current
signature to the file.  Put a timestamp of 100000000000 in an associative
array by key ID for later use (this is the batch time stamp: the time stamp
is formatted as YYYYMMDDHHmm.  I use 100000000000 here since I explicitly
check the time stamp format each time to make sure it is composed of exactly
12 digits.  Also, if the file doesn't exist, we need to use a batch time
stamp that will be lower than that of any of the messages in the current
batch for this key ID.  I suppose it might be better to generate a time
stamp something like (CURRENT_TIME - (some reasonable amount of time)) to
limit what is accepted.  I also plan to allow a limit for the amount of time
which can elapse between the script being signed and being received by
emscrypt for cases where the file does exist. 

If the file did exist on disk, read the time stamp from the file and save in
the batch time stamp associative array by key ID.

So now we have a replay prevention time stamp to compare to the time stamp
from this PGP signed script.  If the script stamp is more recent, then we can
execute the script.  But first, check to see if the script stamp is more
recent then the stamp saved in the file.  If it is, then replace the file
time stamp with the script stamp, and update the associative array which
keeps track of these values (this is the "most recent stamp" array, not the
"batch stamp" array).

* Execute the script

Check the variable status to make sure that both the signature and time
stamp were acceptable. If not, then generate an appropriate error message
explaining why the script was rejected, include a copy of the script,
encrypt the message using the submitter's public key, and mail it back.
Then go back to the top of the loop to deal with the rest of the input.

If it everything checks out, then prepare a file to receive the stderr
output, save the script to a file, set the script to executable, and open
(execute) it as an input pipe.  Get the results from stdout.  Open the
stderr file, and get the stderr results.  Combine the stdout, stderr, and
the script (with separators so we can tell what is what), encrypt the whole
bundle with the submitter's public key and mail it off.  Repeat loop for
rest of input.

Problems?  Suggestions?  Let me know.


- --Matt

- --
mcarpent@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu                   Finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.2

