From: David Kennedy <>
To: BlindCopyReceiver:;
Message Hash: 00be74ce214418fe621671852905de642ea3c833236d6e3c3f27d50614d1abfa
Message ID: <96081302375376702.3557_CHN38-4@CompuServe.COM>
Reply To: _N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-08-13 05:43:45 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 13:43:45 +0800
From: David Kennedy <>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 13:43:45 +0800
To: BlindCopyReceiver:;
Subject: Hoax: A ban on cryptography?
Message-ID: <960813023753_76702.3557_CHN38-4@CompuServe.COM>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
My mailer thinks the e$pam list pulled this from cypherpunks:
>> S.1666
Department of Commerce Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1997 (Passed by the
Senate) <<
And this is bogus, and as far as I can tell not a typo, it's complete hokum.
S.1666 is an obscure bill about courts in Utah.
A search of on "encryption" reveals the expected bills,
A search for the DoC Authorization Act reveals nothing, as far as I can tell
this bill has not been drafted let alone passed. I don't know enough about how
the DoC is funded to know if they get their own Authorization Act or receive
authorizations piecemeal and by the reconciliation.
Again, this is bogus.
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