1996-08-28 - Re: “The Observer” calls the internet a child pornography ring

Header Data

From: James Fidell <james@corp.netcom.net.uk>
To: jamesd@echeque.com (James A. Donald)
Message Hash: c8d88a9291da46059aa9245c8137b96ba9f039ac9a201258d632bcaebe05545d
Message ID: <199608272209.XAA22191@corp.netcom.net.uk>
Reply To: <199608272004.NAA15842@dns2.noc.best.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-08-28 00:57:18 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 08:57:18 +0800

Raw message

From: James Fidell <james@corp.netcom.net.uk>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 08:57:18 +0800
To: jamesd@echeque.com (James A. Donald)
Subject: Re: "The Observer" calls the internet a child pornography ring
In-Reply-To: <199608272004.NAA15842@dns2.noc.best.net>
Message-ID: <199608272209.XAA22191@corp.netcom.net.uk>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Banner Front page headline in the British Observer, Sunday 25th
> "The Peddlers of child abuse"
> see http://scallywag.com/
> The internet is presented as a conspiracy by child molesters.
> There is a picture of Johan Helsingius, the man who free of charge
> provides an anonymous remailer service:  The picture is captioned "The
> internet middle man who handles 90% of all child pornography"  He is
> represented as personally profiting from the distribution of child
> pornography, though in fact no posts to binary newsgroups can go
> through his system, and no large binaries can go through his system,
> and he provides the anonymising service free of charge.
> There is a picture of Clive Feather, the man who runs the largest
> internet service provider in Britain, captioned "The school governor
> who sells access to photos of child rape"]]

I'm not sure even Clive would claim that he "runs the largest ISP in
Britain" :-)

> The observer article savagely demonizes all who use the internet,
> presenting it as primarily existing for the purpose of distributing
> child pornography, and demonizes and libels by name those who have
> sought to defend the liberty of netizens.
> I urge you all to check out this article, and send snail mail letters
> to the observer condemning (since they are obviously too low tech to
> read email) and email letters of support to those netizens who have
> been savagely libeled for their defence of liberty.

They do have a WWW site -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/observer/
The only feedback address I could find is nml@guardian.co.uk

 "Yield to temptation --             | Work: james@corp.netcom.net.uk
  it may not pass your way again"    | Play: james@hermione.demon.co.uk
                                     | http://www.netcom.net.uk/~james/
        - Lazarus Long               |              James Fidell
