1996-09-07 - Re: Anonymous phone calls (was: What is the EFF doing exactly?)

Header Data

From: roy@sendai.scytale.com (Roy M. Silvernail)
To: jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca
Message Hash: 09bfef8af7845f0fe4c85d48251a45226fc05634dbbef92f9cdefd527d54a04e
Message ID: <960907.130338.3j4.rnr.w165w@sendai.scytale.com>
Reply To: <9608068420.AA842029748@smtplink.alis.ca>
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-07 21:12:29 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 05:12:29 +0800

Raw message

From: roy@sendai.scytale.com (Roy M. Silvernail)
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 1996 05:12:29 +0800
To: jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca
Subject: Re: Anonymous phone calls (was: What is the EFF doing exactly?)
In-Reply-To: <9608068420.AA842029748@smtplink.alis.ca>
Message-ID: <960907.130338.3j4.rnr.w165w@sendai.scytale.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text


In list.cypherpunks, jbugden@smtplink.alis.ca writes:

> There is another spin possible on the reasons for replacement of
> pay phones with credit card phones. In Canada all new credit card
> phones are also able to take phone cards (which are anonymous).
> Using a prepaid phone card permits full anonymity. But what it also
> permits is metered local calls. This infrastructure would be more
> familiar to someone  from Europe where metered local calls are the
> norm.

In Minneapolis, USWest has Telecard phones everywhere, and vending
machines with bill accepters.  The calls are also flat rate at $0.25.
Beware using the Telecard for a long distance call.  I did one from
Seattle to Mpls and it was something like $3.65 for the initial charge.

Can Telecards be audited for usage?  If a TLA black-bags my $25 Telecard
from my wallet, can they reconstruct what calls I made with it?
- -- 
           Roy M. Silvernail     [ ]      roy@scytale.com
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