1996-09-24 - Re: Snooping ISP admin??

Header Data

From: “Douglas R. Floyd” <dfloyd@io.com>
To: carboy@hooked.net (Michael E. Carboy)
Message Hash: 4d570617818bd353ebc5069a9d6044128c1c7bde903253596b9e2f254a4fe328
Message ID: <199609232112.QAA07155@xanadu.io.com>
Reply To: <32468D68.5E2@hooked.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-24 02:56:09 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:56:09 +0800

Raw message

From: "Douglas R. Floyd" <dfloyd@io.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 10:56:09 +0800
To: carboy@hooked.net (Michael E. Carboy)
Subject: Re: Snooping ISP admin??
In-Reply-To: <32468D68.5E2@hooked.net>
Message-ID: <199609232112.QAA07155@xanadu.io.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

> Greetings All,
> Question for the group:  I have encountered a situation that causes me
> to believe an ISP is snoopingthrough encrytped mail.  It seems that
> PGP'd mail has aroused the curiosity of an ISP (not hooked.net).. I have
> encountered "POP3 account in use by another user" several times in the
> past few days and I am the only user... wondering if that "in use"
> messsage is the result of a clumsy sysadmin being caught with his hand
> in the cookie jar.  Any thoughts from the group???  If those more
> knowledgeable than I deem these NOISE... my sincere apologies.

An admin could just copy the mail spool file to a safer place, then read
through at their leisure.

Unless its someone totally clueless (which some ISP's are), I doubt that
they are pulling off the pop3d.  It could be that your mail spool file is
locked by a mail transport agent, and that is why that error message is

Any thoughts?
