1996-09-01 - Re: Sen. Leahy’s “impeccable cyberspace credentials”

Header Data

From: Adamsc@io-online.com (Adamsc)
To: “patrickbc@juno.com>
Message Hash: caa1b3a63304ce9af0be03e451bd14a0e35f88e4af428203f3a0a12c15d69752
Message ID: <19960901042711375.AAA140@IO-ONLINE.COM>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-01 06:04:14 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 1 Sep 1996 14:04:14 +0800

Raw message

From: Adamsc@io-online.com (Adamsc)
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 1996 14:04:14 +0800
To: "patrickbc@juno.com>
Subject: Re: Sen. Leahy's "impeccable cyberspace credentials"
Message-ID: <19960901042711375.AAA140@IO-ONLINE.COM>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sat, 31 Aug 1996 18:11:52 EDT, patrick b cummings wrote:

>I agree with what you are saying but not all polititions are that bad. 
>You make it sound as if their are no politisions are for freedom of the

For the most part there aren't.  Why? Well the media has sensationalized it. 
How many politicians want to go on record as "protecting the rights of
child-pornographers"?  Now, this isn't a major portion of Internet usage, but
you'd never know that from what you read in the paper.  If you only listened to
them, it'd be something like this:
40% kiddie-porn
20% terrorists, bomb instructions, etc.
15% "evil hackers" who are going to steal our money, shut off our power, etc.
10% hate groups
10% pornography
03% right-wing gun nuts
02% other (research, entertainment, etc)

- "'Anonymity is bad,' says a source who wishes to remain anonymous." - Nuff' said.
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