1996-09-16 - Re: Cryptography of a sort - redux

Header Data

From: Mike McNally <m5@tivoli.com>
To: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
Message Hash: cafa2b6d340d10a0a91c6d57fbf28960e73985f3bea0bc06beb7826d5f6c01dd
Message ID: <323D53EC.298E@tivoli.com>
Reply To: <323CADBE.3D54@gte.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-16 17:04:10 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 01:04:10 +0800

Raw message

From: Mike McNally <m5@tivoli.com>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 01:04:10 +0800
To: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Cryptography of a sort - redux
In-Reply-To: <323CADBE.3D54@gte.net>
Message-ID: <323D53EC.298E@tivoli.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Dale Thorn wrote:
> The only way to recover the original text is to reposition the
> shuffled bits correctly, which requires brute-force guessing of the
> pseudo-random-number output. 

Even if I know the PRNG algorithm?  And just what is it that you
propose to use for the PRNG?

> This guess is very simple for the first encoding layer, but
> compounds exponentially in subsequent encodings

Exponentially?  Could you provide the math to explain how your
composition of PRNG's gives this exponential increase in 

> , so
> that after half a dozen or a dozen passes, where the executable
> program(s) is called from scratch for each pass, the shuffling rapidly
> approaches true randomness, and cannot be decrypted in practice except
> through the exact mirror-image reversal of the encryption passes.

So what do the encryption keys look like?  And what's this "true
randomness" stuff?

Mike M Nally * Tiv^H^H^H IBM * Austin TX * For the time being,
       m5@tivoli.com * m101@io.com       *    
      <URL:http://www.io.com/~m101>      * three heads and eight arms.
