1996-09-22 - Re: Going AP Shit on the Internet

Header Data

From: jonathon <grafolog@netcom.com>
To: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
Message Hash: e40e3a0cb1a19a72bfddb227b49c2845b7477d446e88d05979df67fda1611c0a
Message ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.960922132221.7603B-100000@netcom12>
Reply To: <3244F383.4743@gte.net>
UTC Datetime: 1996-09-22 15:28:59 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:28:59 +0800

Raw message

From: jonathon <grafolog@netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:28:59 +0800
To: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
Subject: Re: Going AP Shit on the Internet
In-Reply-To: <3244F383.4743@gte.net>
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.960922132221.7603B-100000@netcom12>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

On Sun, 22 Sep 1996, Dale Thorn wrote:

> in the U.S., that govt. is your agent, carrying out your 
> representatives' instructions, and paid with your tax dollars.  Unless 

	Er, the US is a winner takes all election, in which the candidate
	with the most votes,may still haveless than 50% of the viotes
	cast ---which is usually the case.

> and until this becomes a literal dictatorship (and there is a valid 

	De Jure, the US is a military dicatorship.  << That the
	enabling legislation is hardly in forceis another matter,
	entirely.  >>

> argument that it applies even then), you are responsible for whatever 
> your paid agents do, from the street cop to the top politico.

	That being the case, then AP is the only way to effectively
	vote against them.   Which probably would be a _very good_ 
	thing.   None of those paid agents have any legitimate functions.



	In the fight against terrorism, let us remember the
	biggest terrorist of the all --- the united states of
	america, which exports more death, destruction and mayhem
	that the rest of the world combined.
