1996-10-17 - Re: [NOISE] I never knew that Dimitri Vulis was a net.loon

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From: Jim Ray <liberty@gate.net>
To: dougr@skypoint-gw.globelle.com
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UTC Datetime: 1996-10-17 09:36:51 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 02:36:51 -0700 (PDT)

Raw message

From: Jim Ray <liberty@gate.net>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 02:36:51 -0700 (PDT)
To: dougr@skypoint-gw.globelle.com
Subject: Re: [NOISE] I never knew that Dimitri Vulis was a net.loon
Message-ID: <199610170936.FAA166900@osceola.gate.net>
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To: dougr@skypoint-gw.globelle.com, cypherpunks@toad.com,
Date: Thu Oct 17 05:34:16 1996
[This post has nothing I can think of to do with cryptography, but it is 
high time to take some of the heat off Tim from this loon. Hey Dmitri, I've 
got a couple of cats, too!]

Doug wrote:

> On Wed, 16 Oct 1996, Mark O. Aldrich wrote:


> > Check it out for yourself at
> > http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~tskirvin/home/legends/legends3.html
> > 
> The above is very good, but there's not nearly as much on Vulis in it. 
> For anyone else who may have missed it, here is the original link again:
> http://www.math.harvard.edu/~verbit/scs/cranks/from-Shlomo.html#vulis
> This one absolutely_boggles_my_mind.  But check them both out.

These do shed some light on this guy, and he is an incredible source of 
noise. I've killfiled the loon long ago, but Doug alerted me to his rant 
about me, so I dug his posts out of the trash. I had no idea he was his own 
sysadmin, though I suppose doing that is one way to get away with being as 
annoying as he is. IMO it's obvious to all that the recent messages with 
relevant-looking subjects bashing Tim and coming through the remailers are 
from him, and I finally got annoyed.

The resume he posted is old, and the address and phone number, plus some of 
the other information, has changed or is inaccurate. I am in the process of 
redoing my home page, but it's taking a while. Also, the Florida Bar has 
very little sway over me these days since:

1. My life seems to be going in a different direction.

2. I've started saying what I think about political influence in the Florida 
judiciary, following a particularly-smelly ruling in a political ballot 
access case. (I decided that the Florida Supreme Court was "in play" until 
November 5.) The facts were featured in the Miami Herald and then here in 
"DUO_pol" [thanks JYA].

 From what I hear, my "Castro should look at doing this" suggestion and my 
opinion of their blinkered reading of the state & federal Constitution(s) 
has gotten back to them and (just as I had hoped) has not been received too 
well. That's life. Maybe next time I'll be nicer, or maybe next time they'll 
rule differently (i e fairly) and avoid my sarcasm.

If Dmitri (or anyone else) wants to complain about me anyway (not that it is 
likely to change my behavior) the Florida Bar hotline is at (800) 235-8619. 
I don't know if this is a Florida-only or national 800 number, but you are 
welcome to try it and see, Dmitri. Have fun, but give it a rest on Tim and 
start hollering about me. I agree with Tim on lots of stuff anyway, and 
(despite my killfiling you long ago) I regularly see your ranting about him 
in others' messages responding to your trash. I consider myself a friend of 
Tim May's (though I have never met him) so rant about me (and _these_ cats) 
for a while.

One of the "legitimate concerns of law enforcement" seems to be
that I was born innocent until proven guilty and not the other
way around. -- me

Defeat the Duopoly! Vote Harry & Jo http://www.HarryBrowne96.org/
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