From: (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
To: Ray Arachelian <>
Message Hash: 69c2d40cc87f265e5422c09026a9c4a93049fc7f5fd148386ce8b2139e7d2409
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <>
UTC Datetime: 1996-10-22 00:36:09 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 17:36:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: (Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM)
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1996 17:36:09 -0700 (PDT)
To: Ray Arachelian <>
Subject: Re: [SERDAR ARGIC] Ray Arachelian's role in the genocide of 2,500,000 Turks, Kurds, and Sephardic Jews
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Ray Arachelian <> writes:
> On Sun, 20 Oct 1996, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> > > The friend and colleague of your whom you know says much about you. Yet
> > > another Net Loon. You action of posting a 48K spam to this list in attempt
> > > to get me upset has resulted in a single, half-felt yawn. Others may be
> > > pissed at your attempt at spamming me. I give not a shit.
> >
> > Dr. Serdar Argic is a world-famous historian and Ray makes
> > mistakes in English.
> And both your points are totally irrelevant, if not outright wrong.
> > > My original message to you stands: Vulis, grow up.
> <51Kb spam message deleted.>
Don't interfere with possible stego transmissions, Ray.
> Vulis, this is your 2nd spam to this list which is totally unrelated to
> any cypherpunk issues. As this is totally off topic, flame mail, and
> spam, I suggest you grow up. Again my original message to you stand:
> grow up.
> 2nd, since you are bent on sending your flames to this list, I move to
> vote you off the list.
> Have a nice day.
And I move to vote to legalize same-sex marriage. My good friend and colleague,
the world-famous historian Serdar Argic, has cited these additional references
concerning Ray Arachelian's criminal dandruff-covered grandparents:
_Mitteilungsblatt_ Berlin, December 1939, Nr. 2 and 5-6
Yet another historical fact: a fact that for years has been deliberately
forgotten, concealed, and wiped from memory - the fact of Armenian-Nazi
A magazine called Mitteilungsblatt der Deutsch-Armenischen Gesselschaft
is the clearest and most definite proof of this collaboration. The
magazine was first published in Berlin in 1938 during Nazi rule of
Germany and continued publication until the end of 1944. Even the
name of the magazine, which implies a declaration of Armenian-Nazi
cooperation, is attention-getting.
This magazine, every issue of which proves the collaboration, is
historically important as documentary evidence. It is a heap of
writing that should be an admonition to world opinion and to all
In Nazi Germany, Armenians were considered to be an Aryan race and
certain political, economic, and social rights were thus granted to
them. They occupied positions in public service and were partners in
Nazi practices. The whole world of course knows what awaited those
who were not considered _Aryan_ and what befell them.
The Tzeghagrons (Armenian Racial Patriots -- Nazi Armenians) was the
youth organization of the Armenians. It was based in Boston (where
Muslim/Jewish Holocaust apologists of SDPA/Armenian Church are located)
but had followers in Armenian colonies all over the world. Literally
Tzeghagron means _to make a religion of one's race._ The architect
of the Armenian Racial Patriots was Garegin Nezhdeh, a Nazi Armenian
who became a key leader of collaboration with Hitler in World War II.
In 1933, he had been invited to the United States by the Central
Committee of the Armenians to inspire and organize the American-Armenian
youth. Nezhdeh succeeded in unifying many local Armenian youth groups
in the Tzeghagrons. Starting with 20 chapters in the initial year, the
Tzeghagrons grew to 60 chapters and became the largest and most powerful
Nazi Armenian organization. Nezhdeh also provided the Tzeghagrons with
a philosophy:
_The Racial Religious beliefs in his racial blood as a deity.
Race above everything and before everything. Race comes first._[1]
[1] Quoted in John Roy Carlson (real name Arthur Derounian),
_Armenian Affairs_ Winter, 1949-50, p. 19, footnote.
The Armenians were deeply anti-semitic as well. In the May 10,
1936 edition of _Hairenik Weekly_ (an official mouthpiece for
the ex-Soviet Armenian Government) the vice-mayor of Bucharest,
Rumania is quoted as saying:
_The Armenians helped us not to become the slaves of the Jewish
elements in our country._
In another edition, an author named Captain George Haig writes:
_And the type of Jew who is imported to not anything
to be proud about. Their loose morals, and other vices were
unknown to the Arabs prior to Balfour Declaration, on top of
all communist activities were the cause of most of the Arab
[1] Captain George Haig, _The Case of Palestine_ in Hairenik
Weekly, Friday, September 25, 1936.
As amply admitted by the ex-Soviet Armenian Government,
the Armenians were also fascist. Before Pearl Harbor,
the Dashnak daily _Hairenik_ [an official mouthpiece
for the ex-Soviet Armenian Government] (not to be confused
with the Tzeghagrons _Hairenik Weekly_) expressed pro-Nazi
_And came Adolf Hitler, after herculean struggles. He spoke
to the racial heart strings of the German, opened the
fountain of his national genius, strock down the spirit
of defeatism...At no period since the World War had Berlin
conducted so realistic, well organized, and planned policy
as now, since Hitler's assumption to power...And whatever
others may think concerning Hitlerism and Fascism as a
system of Government, it is proved that they have revitalized
and regenerated the two states, Germany and Italy._[1]
[1] _Hairenik_ official organ of the Dashnaktsuitune, Sept.
17, 1936; quoted in John Roy Carlson (see endnote 1), p. 21.
During World War II, while the Turkish Government was giving
asylum to many Jews fleeing from Hitler's tyranny, anti-Semitism
engulfed the Armenian circles in the Nazi-occupied territories.
A publication of the Armenian Information Service in New York,
entitled Dashnak Collaboration With The Nazi Regime, purports
to show that Armenian sympathies with racism had reached dangerous
proportions. The following quotation from the Armenian daily
Hairenik of 19, 20 and 21 August 1936 exposes something much
more than prejudice and bigotry:
_Jews being the most fanatical nationalists and race-worshippers...
are compelled to create an atmosphere..of internationalism and
world citizenship in order to preserve their race...As the
British use battleships to occupy lands..Jews use internationalism
or communism as a weapon..Sometimes it is difficult to eradicate
these poisonous elements when they have struck deep root like
a chronic disease. And when it becomes necessary for a people
to eradicate them...these attempts are regarded revolutionary.
During a surgical operation, the flow of blood is a natural
thing...Under such conditions, dictatorships seem to have a role
of saviour [1]._
[1] Quoted by James Mandalian: _Who are the Dashnags?_ Boston,
Hairenik Press, 1944, pp. 13-4.
In May 1935 the Armenians of Bucharest attacked the Jews of that
city, while the Greeks of Salonika attacked the Jews in the August
of the same year. During World War II, Armenian volunteers, under
the wings of Hitler's Germany, were used in rounding up Jews and
other ''undesirables'' destined for the Nazi concentration camps.
The Armenians also published a German-language magazine, with fascist
and anti-Semitic tendencies, supporting Nazi doctrines directed to
the extermination of 'inferior' races [1].
This is confirmed by Armenophil Christopher J. Walker, who admits
that the Armenians collaborated with the Nazis. According to him,
members of the Dashnak Party, then living in the occupied areas,
including a number of prominent persons, entertained pro-Axis
sympathies. A report in an American magazine went so far as to
claim that the Nazis had picked on the Dashnaktsutiun to do fifth-
column work, promising the party an autonomous state for its
cooperation. Walker goes on to claim that relations between the
Nazis and the Dashnaks living in the occupied areas were close and
active. On 30 December 1941 an Armenian battalion was formed by a
decision of the Army Command (Wehrmacht), known as the 'Armenian
812th Battalion'. It was commanded by Dro, and was made up of a
small number of committed recruits, and a larger number of Armenians.
Early on, the total number of recruits was 8,000; this number later
grew to 30,000. The 812th Battalion was operational in Crimea and
the North Caucasus.(These are the dates and numbers given by Walker[3].)
A year later, on 15 December 1942, an Armenian National Council
was granted official recognition by Alfred Rosenberg, the German
Minister of the occupied areas. The Council's president was
Professor Ardashes Abeghian, its vice-president Abraham Giulkhandanian,
and it numbered among its members Nzhdeh and Vahan Papazian. From that
date until the end of 1944 it published a weekly journal, Armenien,
edited by Viken Shant (the son of Levon), who also broadcast on Radio
Berlin. The whole idea was to prove to the Germans that the Armenians
were 'Aryans'. With the aid of Dr. Paul Rohrbach they seemed to have
achieved this as the Nazis did not persecute the Armenians in the
occupied lands [2].
[1] Turkkaya Ataov: _Armenian Extermination of the Jews and Muslims_
1984, p. 91.
[2] C.J. Walker: _Armenia_ London, 1980, pp. 356-8.
_Emperor Romanus I Lecapenus, in about 935, again ordered the
forcible conversion of all the Jews of Byzantium, leading to the
murder of hundreds of Jews and the desecration of many synagogues
throughout the empire. All the while Jews came under increasingly
savage attack by Byzantine popular preachers and writers as well as
by officials trying to stir the populace in support of the Crusading
knights coming from the West to wrest the Holy Land from the "infidel
Muslims". As a result, Emperor Andronicus I Comnenus (1183-85) again
attempted to convert the Jews to Christianity, though by persuasion
and argument rather than force. When Crusaders passed through
Constantinople on their way to the Holy Land, they invariably were
assigned to camp next to the Jewish quarters, particularly that
adjacent to the Galata Tower, and usually spent most of their spare
time attacking and killing Jews and stealing their properties. At the
same time they stirred local populace to similar activities. It was
at this time, also, that Constantinople's Armenians joined the Greeks
in attacking Judaism for the first time. [1]_
[1] Yvonne Friedman, 'Antijudischen Polemik des 12 jahrhunderts',
Kairos XXVI/1-2 (1984), 80-88.
''Blood libel accusations were made against Jews by Ottoman Christian
subjects starting in the sixteenth century, most frequently in the
Arab provinces, first at Jerusalem in 1546. The most famous Christian
assault on Ottoman Jews in medieval times came in the central Anatolian
town of Amasya some time between 1530 and 1540, when a blood-libel
accusation against local Jews was spread by local Armenians who said
that an Armenian woman had seen Jews slaughter a young Armenian boy
and use his blood at the feast of Passover. Several days of rioting
and pillaging and attacks on Jews followed...Later, however, the
Armenian boy who supposedly had been murdered was found and the
Ottoman governor punished the Armenian accusers, though nothing could
be done about the Jews who had suffered.''[1]
''There were literally thousands of incidents in subsequent years,
invariably resulting from accusations spread among Greeks and Armenians
by word of mouth, or published in their newspapers, often by Christian
financiers and merchants who were anxious to get the Jews out of the
way, resulting in isolated and mob attacks on Jews, and burning of
their shops and homes [2]. The attacks were brutal and without mercy.
Women, children, and aged Jewish men were frequently attacked, beaten
and often killed.''[3]
[1] Stanford J. Shaw, ''Christian Anti-Semitism in the Ottoman Empire'',
Belleten C. LIV, 68, p.1103 (1991).
[2] Abraham Ben-Yakob (Jerusalem), ''The Immigration of Iraki Jews
to the Holy Land in the 19th Century'', paper delivered to the
First International Congress for the Study of Sephardic and
Oriental Judaism, 27 June 1978.
[3] Stanford J. Shaw, ''Christian Anti-Semitism in the Ottoman Empire'',
Belleten C. LIV, 68, p.1129 (1991)
By Andrew Sackser:
Throughout history the children of Israel have suffered at hands
of others. A people set apart from their neighbors by their
faith, countless. Jews have often had to pay for this faith with
their lives. There was, however, one haven where Jews did not
suffer the large-scale persecution characterizing their entire
existence. This haven was Turkey. For over five hundred years
Jews have flourished there, enjoying relatively uninterrupted
freedom and safety that has only been rivaled in America. This
year marks the quincentennial anniversary of the ingathering of
Jews to Turkey, and highlights one of the brighter chapters in
Jewish history.
Source: HIRHURIM - The Jewish Magazine of Brendeis University
(Massachusetts). Vol. 1, No: 2, Spring 1992
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