From: “Vladimir Z. Nuri” <>
To: Black Unicorn <>
Message Hash: e1b688ba9ca3377db7997ff4b057c5419424bb579d5331358c322452f06e107f
Message ID: <>
Reply To: <Pine.SUN.3.94.961004210349.21413A-100000@polaris>
UTC Datetime: 1996-10-06 06:16:04 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:16:04 +0800
From: "Vladimir Z. Nuri" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1996 14:16:04 +0800
To: Black Unicorn <>
Subject: Re: legality of wiretapping: a "key" distinction
In-Reply-To: <Pine.SUN.3.94.961004210349.21413A-100000@polaris>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
[wiretapping involves total secrecy vs. warrants]
>This is hardly news. An old and inconsequential distinction
please elaborate.
>"Right to choose to be in contempt of court" ? If only I could attach a
>sound file with my howling laughter to this post.
I find it as ludicrous as you do, but it's the clear insinuation
suggested by hard-core cypherpunks / anarchists in this forum.
>Do not make the mistake of thinking there is no case law on wiretap simply
>because you have not/are too lazy to go to the library and look it up.
I said, "at least it is rarely quoted here", lawyer-boy.
>You propose to refight a case soundly resolved ages ago and you propose to
>get the rest of the list to do your homework for you.
nevertheless, you might not come off as so utterly condescending
and self-pretentious if you gave even the slightest smidgeon
of a reference yourself, instead of preferring to insult a poster.
>I propose you go to the library and do your own work for a change.
I propose you try to show some civility in cyberspace for a change.
>I wonder what caused you to think this was some kind of novel revelation.
I wonder why you always revert to sarcasm instead of making
constructive points.
>I know you think you're being very clever and original, as if somehow you
>aquired the skills of a noted constitutional scholar whilest no one was
>looking. I also know that you have not bothered to research your own
there are no claims, merely ideas as usual. I am not posting to
show off my pretentious laywer skills. the cpunks have you for that.
>I can't decide, however, if this is cleverness on your part in
>trying to get someone else to do all your work for you, in which case it's
>not working on me, or simple laziness, in which case it's apparent and
"your work"? apparently it is "my work" to research case law involving
wiretapping now? hmmmmm, my job description must've changed again
while I wasn't looking. @#$%%^&* don't you hate it when that happens!!
Unicorn, instead of posting something that is so utterly devoid of
any informational value, and merely tries to invent new and clever
ways of tangentially, scurrilously insulting someone without directly
addressing a single actual point
involved, why don't you do the obvious and use the
post as a leaping off point to show off your own mastery of the
arcania and minutia of our legal system, such as it was intended?
do you really think you are getting reputation brownie points or
something by doing this? hee, hee.
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