From: Andrew Loewenstern <>
To: “Timothy C. May” <>
Message Hash: 8820b27cae195c2cc32947b41f584fbb729aa679406bc5753298a847192cddce
Message ID: <9611080056.AA00887@ch1d157nwk>
Reply To: <v03007801aea81885c729@[]>
UTC Datetime: 1996-11-08 00:56:51 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 16:56:51 -0800 (PST)
From: Andrew Loewenstern <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 1996 16:56:51 -0800 (PST)
To: "Timothy C. May" <>
Subject: Re: Why is cryptoanarchy irreversible?
In-Reply-To: <v03007801aea81885c729@[]>
Message-ID: <9611080056.AA00887@ch1d157nwk>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
TCM writes:
> Wide distribution of tools and channels.
A very important point that I haven't seen raised in this thread is _why_
strong crypto is going to be widespread and thus impossible to control.
Strong crypto is going to be the foundation of the information age. Sorry for
the buzzwords, but it is very obvious to almost everyone that there is
potentially a lot of money to be made with the 'Net and strong crypto is
required to guarantee that people get what is coming to them and not get
ripped off. Strong crypto maximizes returns by outright preventing fraud
(which is far better than after-the-fact legal remedies!) and allowing more
efficient collection of money (with self-enforcing protocols and eliminating
middle men). Weak Crypto (i.e. GAK) does not offer these features because the
weak point in the chain becomes a mostly disinterested low-wage employee at
the KRC, which is likely to be operated by a foreign government! Any
businessman can immediately understand why this is unacceptable, especially
with all of the economic espionage stories going around corporate america.
People will outright demand strong crypto.
This is already happening. Despite intense pressure from TLA's for GAK,
savvy businesses are demanding strong crypto (the idea that no crypto at all
will be used is utterly ridiculous, it will either be strong or GAKed but
there will be crypto). Hardly anyone is bowing to the pressure. It will take
a mandate from congress to get people to actually use GAK, and the more
businesses and congresscritters begin understand the benefits of strong crypto
to the bottom line, the less likely such a mandate would happen.
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