1996-11-26 - Bounty Server, Revisited.

Header Data

From: Petro <petro@smoke.suba.com>
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: f6dcb1845d030731dc8fa87efce94ebcabd1791195779ce363469738890f0136
Message ID: <199611260942.DAA00413@smoke.suba.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1996-11-26 09:25:01 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 01:25:01 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: Petro <petro@smoke.suba.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 1996 01:25:01 -0800 (PST)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Bounty Server, Revisited.
Message-ID: <199611260942.DAA00413@smoke.suba.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

     I have started drafting a proposal statement for the Bounty server. 

     This is where I am at right now. I need as many comments on this 
     as to the way it will work as possible. 

     I am posting this from petro@smoke.suba.com because that is my 
primary account rather than snow, which is only for cypherpunks. Sorry 
for any killfiles this sneaks by. 

     Please reply to snow@smoke.suba.com or the list. Thanks.      

Bounty Server, The proposal:
Version 0.1


     This proposal is an attempt to outline a system for awarding cash 
     payments for the creation of new technologies without the overhead
     or ownership associated with conventional systems such as contract
     or work-for-hire, or employee-employer systems. 

     The objective is to actually bring this system online. 


     There is a lot of software floating around. It basically falls into
     5 catagories: Commercial, Shareware, Freeware, Gnu (and other 
     "Copyleft" schemes) and Public Domain. 
     <Need to fill this in, but at this point we all know what the 5 types 

     It is the "Copylefted" software that interests me at this point. There
     is quite a bit of high quality "Gnu" software, and at least one
     operating system based on the GNU mentality (linux) however there 
     is a dearth of _enduser_ tools such as mail and news readers for 
     the more popular end user operating systems, word processors and 
     graphics editing software, easy to use Graphic Design Software (TeX
     is NOT easy to use) and easy to use Cryptographic software. 

     In order to get these kinds of tools, especially the Cryptographic 
     tools widely deployed, there needs to be a reason for someone to 
     invest the time and effort into polishing the user interfaces and 
     designing them for the average internet user to operate. Figuring
     out new algorythms is fun. Being on the cutting edge, or flipping 
     the bird at Governments is fun. Doing something that has already 
     been done isn't nearly as sexy, yet to deploy the kinds of tools 
     we want _today_ and promote the development of the kings of tools 
     we will want tomorrow, there needs to be some sort of mechanism 
     in place to pay programmers to make these tools. 

     This mechanism (IMO) should be "market" driven, it should allow the 
     community of users to decide which projects should have priority, 
     and which shouldn't. 

     This mechanism should be as flexible as possible. 

     This mechanism should be as simple as possible, and as easy to use as 

     Originally I proposed this to apply to software, but I don't see why 
     it should stop at software. Initally the server will be restricted 
     to software, but I hope that this will work out, and be expanded 
The proposal:

    What I am going to attempt to do is to set up a "Bounty Server" where 
    someone can iniate a "bounty" on a peice of technology. The initator
    will write up a set of specifications for the technology, and an initial 
    award to be paid to the developer. They then post it on the server and 
    send their initial "bid" to the organization.  

    This is the "bounty". Other people can add to this bounty, allowing the 
    totals to add until someone claims that bounty by providing proof of 
    development to the initiator of the bounty. In software terms they would 
    upload the software to the server and notify the originator of the bounty,
    and the server operators. Other technology will be figured out as it 
    becomes necessary.

    Originally I was going to put the stipulation in that the software written
    must be Copylefted. I decided that that wasn't really necessary, but 
    rather simply desired. To aid in that desire, I am going to build in 
    an initative to releaseing the software "copylefted".

To get more specific: 

    A bounty is considered to be posted when the initial payment is cleared 
    by the bank, and the specifications (discussed later are considered clear 
    enough to avoid interpretation problems.  

    The initial bounty contract gets posted to the WWW server, (possibly) to 
    a "developers list" of interested people, and (possibly) to an 
    appropriate UseNet Newsgroup. 

    Once the bounty is posted, other people can "bid up" or add to the bounty,
    and their contribution will be added to the total bounty as well as their 
    "name" (email address) added to a list of contributors (unless they 
    request not to). The amount they gave will not be listed. It isn't 
    important. At this point contributions and initial bids will be 
    accepted by credit card, check, money order, and possibly ecash 
    (e-cash will be taken at some point, but it really isn't important
    at this point since almost no one uses it.)

    The first developer to upload a _working_ package to the server will 
    be awarded the total bounty, minus "brokerage" fees (discussed later) 
    "First" will be soley determined by the time stamp of the server. As soon
    as the package is uploaded, the initiator and the server adminstrator 
    will be notifed, and the bounty marked "claimed". If the package is 
    accepted by the initiator, the bounty will be marked "closed", the 
    package moved to an FTP site for distribution (if Copylefted) or 
    moved offline if not (archived copies will be kept for legal reasons--
    more on that later). At that point a check for the developer will 
    be cut (or ecash mailed if that works out).   
    The Server Adminstrator will also do an cursory check to make sure that
    there are no obvious copyright violations. 

    In the event that there is a conflict between the initiator and the 
    developer, the claim will go into adjudication. The server adminstrators
    decesion is final, and he will make every effort to settle the claim
    fairly. Adjudication will incur an additional fee (see the fees section).  
Writing the bounty: 

    The bounty specifications should include the following: 

    1) Target Operating Enviroment (i.e. Operating System for Software, and
       whatever for other technology)

    2) What the desired technology is intended to be used for (i.e. a 
       Word Processor, a Hardware RNG etc, whatever)

    3) Desired Characteristics of the technology--specific features 
       of the technology. It isn't enough to say that you want a 
       word processor, you must specify minimum features you wish this 
       technology to contain (i.e. WYSIWYG, Postscript output, Outliner etc.)

    4) Desired "quality" level: Proof of Concept, Alpha, Beta, Release etc. 

    5) Copyright status desired--whether the software will be owned by the 
       initiator of the bounty (in which case it is unlikely that anyone 
       else will contribute), owned by the programmer (well someone might
       be that magnanomous), or "copylefted".

    6) Where the initiators money is to go if the bounty is not claimed: 
       I will provide a short (8 or 10) list of charities that the money 
       will go to if the bounty is not met. This is to keep the initiator
       honest, as well as the server. Each contributor will also get this 

    I am sure that I am missing something here, and I will need some 
    assistance in fleshing this out, as well as a couple of people to write
    different specs as examples.  

Adding to the bounty:

    The bounty will be considered added to when the deposit clears and 
    is credited by the bank. 

    A person adding to the bounty will also be allowed to choose from the 
    list as to where they would like their money to go if the bounty 

    The Organization will get 2% of any bounty where the software or 
    Technology that is copylefted. 20% of any other scheme.
    Adjudication will incur an additional fee of 2 to 5% depending on the 
    difficulty in judging the claim. 

    All interest that acrues belongs to the Organization, and will be used 
    to defray any costs, or to provide for additional bounties should there
    be an apprecialble excess.


    At this point in time I am (obviously) still in the process of developing 
    the procedures. I have registered a Domain Name (bounty.org) and I have 
    a couple promises off assistance in certain areas. As well, I have 
    a server to start off with.  
Where I need help at this point: 

    Legal issues. Any lawyers want to talk to me about this? 

I will be working on this, revising it, and soon I will be putting it up on 

Postmodernism is the refusal to think--Ron Carrier            petro@suba.com 
Deconstruction is the refusal to believe that anyone else can either.
Revolution and War are not murder unless you lose. This is a basic tenet 
of civilization.--Jim Choate on the cpunks list.
