1996-12-20 - Re: “Cypher punks’” sexual preferences

Header Data

From: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
To: “Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM” <dlv@bwalk.dm.com>
Message Hash: 3196fb8bef9f5ecfb9384704b3210dd908e45ddc9c8fd275c895b9bd53addc53
Message ID: <32BA4609.3EE8@gte.net>
Reply To: <y8V8yD11w165w@bwalk.dm.com>
UTC Datetime: 1996-12-20 07:35:28 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 23:35:28 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 1996 23:35:28 -0800 (PST)
To: "Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM" <dlv@bwalk.dm.com>
Subject: Re: "Cypher punks'" sexual preferences
In-Reply-To: <y8V8yD11w165w@bwalk.dm.com>
Message-ID: <32BA4609.3EE8@gte.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Mark Allyn 206-860-9454 <allyn@allyn.com> writes:
> > I am gay.

> Mazal Tov. So are John Gilmore and Jason Durbin.

The problem with the "I am" portion of the above is it's not a whole lot
more defining than "I am" a federal agent, or "I am" a religious zealot,
or "I am" a cryptologist.

If you're a "man" or a "woman", chances are most people will know that
for sure, in person that is.  But when a person says "I'm gay", how do
you know it's true?  Maybe they just wanna play gay, to get better
acceptance on the c-punks list.

Used to be, "gay" was something different, i.e., "The child who's born
on the sabbath day, is bonnie and blithe, and good and gay". What have
they done to my language....
