1997-01-01 - Hardening lists against spam attacks

Header Data

From: jamie@comet.net (jamie dyer)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 9a189e43cb31e852f83cc50916b1d3ab4097ba3a8c1ec3e3a6c74092d4fba5e1
Message ID: <Pine.BSF.3.95.970101045821.18285D-100000@atlas.comet.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1997-01-01 10:04:39 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 02:04:39 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: jamie@comet.net (jamie dyer)
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 1997 02:04:39 -0800 (PST)
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: Hardening lists against spam attacks
Message-ID: <Pine.BSF.3.95.970101045821.18285D-100000@atlas.comet.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

 A stopgap measure....
 Perhaps an X-header that changes weekly, monthly, whatever.
Is there a way to configure the list software to reject a message
that doesn't have the X-header? This won't stop all spam, but it'd
put a damper on a bunch of it. A lot of spammers don't even know
what an X-header is (though a lot do), much less how to put one
in a message.
 Lists are one of the last havens from spam, and though spam seems
to be the grafitti and billboards of the future, I don't feel
particularly amenable to having to waste time hitting the "D" key. 

jamie@comet.net |          Comet.Net		|  Send empty message 
		|     Charlottesville, Va.  	|  to pgpkey@comet.net 
		|        (804)295-2407		|  for pgp public key.
	        |     http://www.comet.net	|
         "Information wants to be $1.98." -I dunno who said it.
