1997-01-05 - eJournal

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From: GroupWeb eJournal <groupweb@village.yvv.com>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-01-05 07:51:57 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 23:51:57 -0800 (PST)

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From: GroupWeb eJournal <groupweb@village.yvv.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1997 23:51:57 -0800 (PST)
To: groupweb@prodigy.com
Subject: eJournal
Message-ID: <199701050537.AAA14566@yvv.com>
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G R O U P W E B eJ O U R N A L (tm)
Vol. 2 No. 1,  January 6,  1997
- Now serving 45,000 readers.
- Send contributions to ejournal@groupweb.com
H A P  P Y   N E W  Y E A R!

In This Issue:
1. Review '96 AND Preview '97
2. Advertisement
3. Subscribe/Unsubscribe

-1- Review '96/Preview '97

  In 1996, Oprah Winfrey is selected best performer of
  the year, but who  will win in 1997? Will the much 
  advertised Sunset Beach sizzle your TV screens?  

  See Oprah at:
  See Sunset Beach at:
  Blacks and Hispanics spent over $630 billions 
  that outpace white spending in such areas
  as cars, children's clothing and perishable foods.
  Baby boomers invested over $1.2 trillion in 1996 and
  the Dow posted a record high. What will become of 1997?
  Before you say anything, see winners and losers among 
  the big players in 1996 at:

  How will your business do in 1997? 
  To launch your marketing strategy, see iMarket at:


  and GroupWeb Marketplace at:

  In 1996, President Clinton won the White House, 
  and he promised to build a bridge into the 21st century. 
  His campaign, however, was without complains: 
  fund raising flap and  his personal character, to name
  but a few. At the dawn of this new year is his 

  What will become of Clinton's Presidency in 1997
  and Gingrich's helm at the House?

  See Allpolitics at:

  See complete 1996 reviews on the Arts, business, 
  and technology and previews of 1997 by MSNBC at:

  or tell us what you foresee for 1997 at 
  GroupWeb eJournal Forum:

-3- Advertisement
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with a 60-day notice. Offers are accepted on a first
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to oval@groupweb.com 

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Secure Sever              250.00

Send email to ejournal@groupweb.com

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$95.00 per issue of eJournal and get a free banner ad 
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35 words maximum, additional words are priced at 
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-5- Subscribe/Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe send e-mail to groupweb@yvv.com with the 
word "REMOVE" as your subject. Thanks.

(c) 1996 InfoResearch Group. http://www.groupweb.com
