1997-01-07 - $2500 for a class c.

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From: faried nawaz <nawaz921@cs.uidaho.edu>
To: N/A
Message Hash: eff1e1bb4edbf1fd83d01a853635702deefb4217928ef8302b9d03cf7c86024a
Message ID: <7130.852679165@bear.cs.uidaho.edu>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-01-07 23:35:13 UTC
Raw Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 15:35:13 -0800 (PST)

Raw message

From: faried nawaz <nawaz921@cs.uidaho.edu>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 15:35:13 -0800 (PST)
Subject: $2500 for a class c.
Message-ID: <7130.852679165@bear.cs.uidaho.edu>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

------- Blind-Carbon-Copy

To: hungry@hungry.com
Cc: chris@uidaho.edu, people@kuoi.sub.uidaho.edu
Subject: $2500 for a class c.
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 15:19:25 PST
Message-ID: <7130.852679165@bear.cs.uidaho.edu>
From: faried nawaz <nawaz921@bear.cs.uidaho.edu>

(two messages follow)

From: gjohnson@dream.season.com (Reality is a point of view)
Subject: IP allocation goes fee based soon?!
Newsgroups: ba.internet
Date: 6 Jan 1997 16:08:04 GMT
Organization: season.com []
Path: news.uidaho.edu!newsfeed.orst.edu!newshub.tc.umn.edu!spool.mu.edu!newspump.sol.net!howland.erols.net!agate!news.ucsc.edu!news.scruz.net!gjohnson
Lines: 18
Message-ID: <slrn5d28r9.34.gjohnson@dream.season.com>
Xref: news.uidaho.edu ba.internet:12066

Take a look at


for a quiet bombshell, especially Section 2.3.  A Class C block
for $2,500?  If you think that isn't funny there are a few
people that agree with you in threads elsewhere.  Try a dejanews
search on $2500 Class C.  You might also want to take a peek at


for news about a commentary period that ends in the next few

- -- 
Gary Johnson                                                          "Wahoo."
gjohnson@season.com    Remember why...

later in the thread --

From: davidm@them.com (David Mandala)
Subject: Re: IP allocation goes fee based soon?!
Newsgroups: ba.internet
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 97 19:10:07 GMT
Organization: Them Productions
Path: news.uidaho.edu!newsfeed.orst.edu!news.uoregon.edu!marlin.ucsf.edu!overload.lbl.gov!agate!spool.mu.edu!newspump.sol.net!howland.erols.net!news.bbnplanet.com!cam-news-hub1.bbnplanet.com!news-xfer.netaxs.com!news.texas.net!news1.best.com!nntp1.best.com!davidm
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <5au72j$rnn@nntp1.best.com>
References: <slrn5d28r9.34.gjohnson@dream.season.com> <e3mca8.3mx@oriole.sbay.org> <southernE3MJxJ.FKq@netcom.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: davidm.vip.best.com
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #2
Xref: news.uidaho.edu ba.internet:12120

I've since heard that their contract run out in 1998, now since they have gone 
from a small nothing company to a widly known disaster, if follows that they 
are making money hand over fist. So before  the contract opens we need to make 
enough noise with the goverment that the contract is NOT relet to them but 
rather to open bid, or to a true non profit alliance of Internet professionals 
to provide the service at cost (which in reality is quite small). Only we can 
make the difference.

In article <southernE3MJxJ.FKq@netcom.com>, southern@netcom.com (Shawn) wrote:
>In article <e3mca8.3mx@oriole.sbay.org>, George Bonser wrote:
>: Billions and Billions of IP addresses are right around the corner
>: and they are going to use the current shortage to set a precedent
>: (sp?) of charging $2500 per block of 256? That would put them in a
>: position to make an absolute KILLING when IPv6 comes out.
>                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Give that man a ceegar.
>That is, I believe, the point.
>All, of course, at $50/year per domain name.
>With that kind of income, they might give Microsoft a run for their
>money as being one of the most profitable computer companies in the
>world. <tounge FIRMLY in cheek> :-)

 David Mandala      Them Productions       San Francisco, CA
 Internet: davidm@them.com CIS: 74156,221  AOL: dism

- --
i don't hate people.    | my other car is a cdr
why, some of my closest | linux, the ms-dos of the nineties
friends are people.     | <zorgo> cable and internet.. who needs a life?
        -- stevi@aa.net | http://www.hungry.com/~fn/

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