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UTC Datetime: 1997-04-08 06:40:48 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 23:40:48 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 23:40:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Sweden Netscape Intranet
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Content-Type: text/plain
Now, how do we get all of these people to use PGP for their e-mail?
(Also interesting to note is the fact, that they'll use 128 bit
crypto, regardless of what the US gov thinks about it...:))
In> Sweden Gets Wired With Netscape (04/03/97; 8:30 p.m. EST) By
In> Douglas Hayward , TechWire
In> STOCKHOLM -- Netscape is negotiating an innovative deal with
In> the Swedish national postal service aimed at creating a
In> national intranet covering the whole of Sweden.
In> Sweden Post plans to use Netscape's Communicator browser and
In> SuiteSpot server software to offer Swedish households and
In> small businesses intranet and Internet access services,
In> according to observers familiar with the proposed deal, which
In> is worth more than $10 million.
In> The postal service would use the Netscape Directory Services
In> product to create a single "white pages" facility covering all
In> Swedish households wishing to join the scheme, which would
In> potentially create a national intranet, observers said.
In> All households joining the network would be given by Sweden
In> Post electronic mailboxes and a copy of Netscape's
In> Communicator browser software. The postal service would manage
In> households' electronic mail services in a manner similar to
In> the way it manages paper-based mail services. Sweden's total
In> population is about 8.8 million people.
In> The email addresses issued by Sweden Post would mimick the
In> real-life address of each participating household. The goal is
In> to issue more than 1 million email addresses by this summer,
In> said Sweden Post spokesman Jan Andersson.
In> "As far as I know, this is the first time a PTT has offered
In> this kind of service," Andersson said.
In> For households without networked PCs, Sweden Post would
In> translate the incoming email and send it as separate faxes or
In> print out the messages and send them through the paper-based
In> mail system, he said.
In> In addition to email, services offered to users will include
In> electronic shopping, Web access, Web publishing facilities,
In> and the ability to set up secure electronic trading outlets.
In> The service will use 128-bit encryption software and digital
In> certificates to ensure security.
In> The idea that each assigned email address would be similar to
In> the recipient's street address is troubling, said Ian Walden,
In> a specialist in IT law for the London-based law firm of Tarlo
In> Lyons. The plan may even violate the European data protection
In> directive, a 1995 law that is in effect in all 15 nations in
In> the European Union, he said.
In> "Is it necessary to make a direct link in the email address to
In> the physical location? I think it's dangerous," Walden said,
In> "and I would warn Sweden Post to reconsider such an approach."
In> Netscape will supply Sweden Post with browser and server
In> software for an initial fee of roughly $10 million under the
In> proposed deal, which was agreed in principle early March but
In> has yet to be finalized. Sweden Post already uses Netscape's
In> electronic publishing and merchant software in its Web-based
In> electronic shopping mall -- known as Torget -- under a deal
In> signed last year.
In> Sweden Post, which recently lost its monopoly of mail delivery
In> services in parts of Sweden, wants to become a major player in
In> the Internet services market in order to compensate for any
In> decline in its traditional business as a result of the growth
In> of electronic communications.
In> "Sweden Post realizes that either it gets into the electronic
In> services market in a big way, or it loses a lot of business to
In> Internet service providers. And for Netscape, deals like this
In> with utilities are a perfect way to overcome Microsoft's
In> greater marketing power among ISPs," said the observer.
In> "Netscape believes that if it can to sign up the utilities, it
In> won't have to worry too much about the ISPs in Europe."
In> The initial licensing fee would not include the cost of future
In> software upgrades nor the cost of royalty fees for copies of
In> browser software distributed to households by Sweden Post.
In> Lennart Gren, Netscape's director for the Nordic region
In> including Sweden, declined to confirm that the deal had been
In> agreed.
In> Netscape has been targeting utilities and telcos in Europe for
In> some time. In February, the German national telco, Deutsche
In> Telekom, said it would promote Communicator as its browser of
In> choice. The telco added that it would use Netscape's intranet
In> suite as its product of choice when building intranets for
In> corporate customers.
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1997-04-08 (Mon, 7 Apr 1997 23:40:48 -0700 (PDT)) - Sweden Netscape Intranet -