1997-04-08 - AP–the choice of Postal Workers everywhere

Header Data

From: Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca>
To: snow <snow@smoke.suba.com>
Message Hash: 9cb66f56b7b285cd0a2814628098db43c13f0ae976a2bf8f3d577792f51d3313
Message ID: <3349AB27.4801@sk.sympatico.ca>
Reply To: <199704080025.TAA03114@smoke.suba.com>
UTC Datetime: 1997-04-08 02:36:18 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 19:36:18 -0700 (PDT)

Raw message

From: Toto <toto@sk.sympatico.ca>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 19:36:18 -0700 (PDT)
To: snow <snow@smoke.suba.com>
Subject: AP--the choice of Postal Workers everywhere
In-Reply-To: <199704080025.TAA03114@smoke.suba.com>
Message-ID: <3349AB27.4801@sk.sympatico.ca>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

snow wrote:
> Crispy Critters wrote:
> >  you are either born into that social contract, or you move
> > into it.  In either case the social contract that makes up the state
> > predates your involvement.  You are free to accept or reject the
> > terms of that social contract.  If you chose to reject them, then you
> > should leave -- since the individuals who composed that contract were
> > there before you, their rights take priority.
>         BULLSHIT. I don't have a choice. I would like to leave, but
> everywhere is already claimed by fucking statist pricks. There is no
> place left where a person can go and be free of self important pricks
> who think that it is _their_ right to infringe on _my_ rights.

  Since the land thieves have everything locked up, the only option
is to stand and fight.
  Wise conquerers always leave the disenchanted a small, desolate
place they can go to lick their wounds. The current fascists idiots
in power don't have the sense to do that. The result is a civilization
that is falling apart because those who don't want to take it in the
ass have no option except to stick around and fight.

>         If the contract was written by people who no longer exist, and
> enforced from the top, by force then you _do_ have the right to change
> the system from without. Especially since (in the context of American,
> French, and several other "[un]social contracts") they were themselves
> brought about by force and violence, often with the support of less than
> a majority.

  And you can never ignore the 'majority of one'.
  If the government deems it their right to act as they will, as
a result of being heavily armed, then they complain in vain about
the individual deeming it their right to act as they will, as a
result of being heavily armed.
  What is good for the gander (government) is good for the
goose (postal worker).
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
