1997-05-14 - unsafe SAFE:

Header Data

From: jamesd@echeque.com
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Message Hash: 19296ee76bcb4034309d03ff193dd8cbfd7e01b34537f7bc819c9c2c040ff539
Message ID: <199705140419.VAA01203@proxy3.ba.best.com>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1997-05-14 04:30:55 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 12:30:55 +0800

Raw message

From: jamesd@echeque.com
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 12:30:55 +0800
To: cypherpunks@toad.com
Subject: unsafe SAFE:
Message-ID: <199705140419.VAA01203@proxy3.ba.best.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

according to http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,10604,00.html

                Kerrey's effort has one thing in common with the
                SAFE Act: It calls for the creation of an Information
                Security Board. The board proposal caused some
                privacy watchdogs to pull their endorsements of
                SAFE because it wouldn't have to comply with
                federal open-meeting act. 

Since a common hand has presumably been at work in both bills,
this looks like good cop / bad cop to me.

The good cop says, "I am your friend"

He is not your friend.

Create a federal board, and it will exercise power.

We have the right to defend ourselves	|   http://www.jim.com/jamesd/
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   jamesd@echeque.com
