From: John Young <>
Message Hash: 2ffad209059f44915bf604efd584ed98aefae7d743a0125522d62c6671783b6e
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UTC Datetime: 1997-05-22 16:23:54 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 00:23:54 +0800
From: John Young <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 00:23:54 +0800
Subject: Key Recovery War
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
A couple of news reports on the Key Recovery
critique by Blaze et al from NYT and C|Net:
Both cite Reinsch of BXA's counter-critique.
And another report on Sybase getting BXA
approval for export of 56-bit crypto without
key recovery. However, it's only for data storage
not communication. The story also reports that
Sybase will be allowed to export 128-bit
crypto with a key recovery plan.
And, baiting another barb, Senator Kerrey has
entered the outline of his crypto bill in the
Congressional Record, along with a statement on
natsec and commerce and privacy need:
So the Administration seems to be tickling the market,
sending up balloons, wet fingering the air, pulling head
out, and so forth, to see who might be induced to
succumb to the strategem of bait-and-bribe, trot-line
eager minnows of ga-ga commerce in the national
interest, ahem, like those survivalist national labs,
Bell Labs, Lincoln Labs, Mitres, SAICs, and, their
patrons at National Security councils, departments of
commerce, defense, state, energy, justice, et al.
Tim and Blanc are right, it's no holds barred Dual-Use
Civil-National Security War for the nation's goodies,
no matter what fur's feigned to outfox the hounds and
poachers and encroachers.
It would be swell if the NLs truly competed with industry,
but not likely with all those federal advisory groups
eyeing and spying and lying each other.
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1997-05-22 (Fri, 23 May 1997 00:23:54 +0800) - Key Recovery War - John Young <>