From: TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>
Message Hash: dc4e13534cfa3efc2dfdb08685434b6b36cd33dad516d489a823d4943cf5a541
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-05-11 07:18:01 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 15:18:01 +0800
From: TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>
Date: Sun, 11 May 1997 15:18:01 +0800
Subject: Vlad-smear blows himself...
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
> kC on TCM:
> >
> >"May they all be vaporized."
> >
> >"Every day that passes, I'm more convinced that McVeigh did the right thing.
> >Some innocents died, but, hey, war is hell. Broken eggs and all that."
> yeah, I've noticed that TCM is really uptight lately and has been way off
> the scale (more so than usual) on the "panty-knot" scale. what gives,
> Tim? I think the situation is mostly he's so upset that congress is
> discussing bills with the words "crypto" in them, which is apparently
> enough to make him cringe with terror.
> when the CDA was being passed, I think his hemor^h^h^h rhetoric
> swelled up then too as well. but look at what happened with the
> CDA-- it got challenged, killed by lower courts,
> and is stuck in the supreme court, likely
> to be struck down there too. far from the end of the world forecast
> by some here.
Get real. The Feds have attacks going on a dozen fronts on
anything they support or oppose and they don't particularly care
if a bill is constitutional or not, as long as it achieves the
desired effect. They are happy as long as they can terrorize
enough citizens and businesses with threats of imprisonment to
move things in their desired direction.
> do we have a constitution or not? if so, we have nothing to worry
> about.
What a crock of shit! This is just another variation of "It's
not perfect, but it's the best sytem we've got." Why is it always
the oppressors who seem so enamored of the way the system works?
> TCM is terrified by virtually anything that happens in govt, which is
> amusing and comical at times.
If I thought Vlad-smear was not a paid government schill, then I
would assume he is a fucking idiot.
I love to see how quickly "patriots" stop waving the red, white and
blue once the government's stick gets shoved up their own butt. Believe
it or not, Vlad-smear, there are individuals who fight against loss of
freedom and liberty even when it is someone else who is getting
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1997-05-11 (Sun, 11 May 1997 15:18:01 +0800) - Vlad-smear blows himself… - TruthMonger <tm@dev.null>