From: (lucifer Anonymous Remailer)
Message Hash: ad9c636897dbc96e6c57c9c14e68347cab9a96dff51d364a100e0ac231783100
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UTC Datetime: 1997-06-07 17:05:56 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 01:05:56 +0800
From: (lucifer Anonymous Remailer)
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 01:05:56 +0800
Subject: Is Bill Clinton Obstructing Justice???
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Is Bill Clinton Obstructing Justice in
the Case of
Charles Hayes?
by J. Orlin Grabbe
1. Did President Bill Clinton meet
with Kentucky District Judge Jennifer
B. Coffman at the Watergate Hotel on
May 21, 1997? Has Coffman suddenly
become an important Presidential
advisor? Was the meeting just another
tête-à-tête similar to the one Clinton
had with Paula Jones? Is Bill Clinton
obstructing justice?
2. Is Judge Coffman in the meantime
sitting on, and attempting to ignore, a
slew of motions from Hayes' attorney
Marvin Miller? Is Judge Coffman
herself guilty of judicial misconduct?
3. Why did Assistant U.S. Attorney
Patrick Malloy recently asked to
withdraw from the Chuck Hayes' case?
Why did Judge Coffman refuse to allow
him to withdraw?
4. Where has the alleged hit man Don
Yarbrough disappeared to? Does his
disappearance have anything to do with
falsified information given to the FBI?
Did the FBI previously say they had
verified this information?
5. What perjury charges have been
filed against FBI agent Stephen
6. What perjury charges have been
filed against FBI agent David Keller?
Was or was not David Keller transferred
to the Atlanta office of the FBI?
7. Has Lawrence Myers been impeached
as a witness because he was diagnosed
as having multiple personalities by the
U.S. Army?
8. Are there any remaining witnesses
against Charles Hayes?
9. What is the relationship between
Judge Jennifer Coffman and Wendell
10. Was Jennifer Coffman under
investigation for financial
improprieties at the time she was
appointed judge?
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1997-06-07 (Sun, 8 Jun 1997 01:05:56 +0800) - Is Bill Clinton Obstructing Justice??? - (lucifer Anonymous Remailer)