From: (Huge Cajones Remailer)
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UTC Datetime: 1997-06-11 16:23:40 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 00:23:40 +0800
From: (Huge Cajones Remailer)
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 00:23:40 +0800
Subject: [off-topic] LEA announcement about children & computers (long)
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Cpunx: For your amusment - nicked from the local Telco web site. I
especially enjoy the link between role playing games, satanism and
Dear Parent:
With the never ending development of computer technology and as an
increasing number of people become computer literate, it is much more
likely that our children may be victimized or exploited in a computer
environment. If your child has a home computer (or access to someone
computer), especially those equipped with a modem, then please take the
time to review this guide and become familiar with the behavioural warning
signs. It will only take a few minutes and may prevent devastating
in the future. Keep in mind, however, that no matter how ôawareö you are
these warning signs, the most important safeguard is to monitor the
contacts that your children are making in this unrestricted environment
regulate their computer related activities. In addition, do not allow your
children to isolate themselves from family or friends by engaging in
solitary computer activities for hours on end. A computer should never
become a substitute for social interaction.
1984 Government Study
TodayÆs children are being weaned on video games and quickly move to
computers. Society has high hopes for this technically literate
but the proliferation of microcomputers and computer literacy also means
that more and more assets will be stored on computer systems and the
community of potential computer criminals will increase astronomically.
Tips for Safe Computing
Please advise your children to observe the following safety rules whenever
they are ôon-lineö. Remind them that no matter how safe and/or friendly
BBS seems (and this includes the major services as well as the Internet),
there is always a potential for danger.
They Should:
òNever give out any personal information about themselves - particularly
full names, addresses, phone numbers, financial information, etc. to
they meet on line.
òAvoid responding to anyone who leaves them obnoxious,
sexual or menacing E-mail. They should not become involved in public
ôFlameö sessions as they have no idea who they are dealing with and what
access an individual may have to their account information.
òReport all electronic harassment and/or abuse to their parents. As
parents, you should notify the SYSTEM OPERATOR (SYSOP) of the problem. If
the SYSTEM OPERATOR does not give you satisfaction in stopping this abuse,
the police should be notified.
òNever set up face to face meetings alone with anyone they have
met on the BBS. They should always take someone with them and always meet
in a public place.
òNever have someone come to their house until they get to know them and
until they are satisfied that they have given accurate personal
information about the individual.
òSafeguard all credit card and telephone card numbers. They should pay for
BBS services by money order whenever practical.
Notify the police of all attempts by adults to set up meetings with your
children. This is by far the most dangerous situation for children and
should be prosecuted when appropriate.
ôThe modern thief can steal more with a computer than with a gun, and
tomorrowÆs terrorist may be able to do more damage with a keyboard than
with a bombö.
National Research Council
Washington, D.C.
Some Child Behavioural Warning Signs:
Computer Addiction
òWithdraws from friends, family etc. May lose interest in social
òUse of new (unusual) vocabulary, heavy with computer terms,
satanic phrase or sexual reference (or sudden interest in related posters,
music, etc.) Look for related doodling or writing. òUse of words such as:
hacking, phreaking or any words with ôphö replacing ôfö.
òLack of interest in self and appearance or indications of lack of sleep,
(which might indicate late night modem-play).
Other Potential Danger Signs
òComputer and modem running late at night (even when unattended).
òStoring of computer files ending in: GIF, JPG, MPG, AVI, MOV, BMP, TIF,
PCX, DL, GL or unusual CDÆs; these are video or graphic image files and
parents should know what they illustrate.
òNames on communications programs which seem satanic or pornographic.
òObsession with fantasy adventure games, (Dungeons and Dragons, Trade
Wars, Sexcapade, etc).
òUse of computer to scan or run telephone numbers or credit card numbers,
(look for ôsequential diallingö programs).
What you can do to Protect your Children
Talk to your children about their use of the computer
Know What They are Doing
òIf possible, keep the computer in a ôcommonö area of your home, such as a
family room or den.
òYou decide if your child has a legitimate need for a modem.
òIf a modem is being used, control the activity by monitoring times
used and numbers dialled.
Closely Monitor your Long Distance Bill
òIf the computer is left running unattended, check the screen.
òIf it is showing a series of four digit numbers, the computer is trying
to identify calling card ôPINö numbers.
òIf it is showing a series of sixteen digit numbers, the computer is
trying to validate credit card numbers.
òIf you are not computer literate, make sure you at least learn the basics
about computers, take a course or have your child teach you.
Courtesy of:
Chief Alfred O. Olsen
Warwick Township Police Department
Lititz, Pennsylvania, USA
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1997-06-11 (Thu, 12 Jun 1997 00:23:40 +0800) - [off-topic] LEA announcement about children & computers (long) - (Huge Cajones Remailer)