1997-07-24 - Re:I have had ENOUGH of this government bullshit!!

Header Data

From: “CST Administration Dept” <admin@CyberSpaceTechnologies.com>
To: <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Message Hash: ef78b240de4340afbee3f239abc0b780fc72eb07d37c80b22483ca9695e3701f
Message ID: <199707240727.CAA07675@oceanus.host4u.net>
Reply To: N/A
UTC Datetime: 1997-07-24 07:45:07 UTC
Raw Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 15:45:07 +0800

Raw message

From: "CST Administration Dept" <admin@CyberSpaceTechnologies.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 15:45:07 +0800
To: <cypherpunks@toad.com>
Subject: Re:I have had ENOUGH of this government bullshit!!
Message-ID: <199707240727.CAA07675@oceanus.host4u.net>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain

Screw this. I have finally blown my stack over this bullshit governmental
crap. From this oint forward, I fully and completely make available, IN THE
U.S, the International version of PGP 2.63.ix.
If there are any cops, Feds, Spies, wops, spics, gigaboos, alternate
lifestyles, punks, crackers, crackheads, whatever other name calling terms,
I left out,    want to stop me --- TRY!!!! This is bullshit people! We have
the inalieable right to full and total screcy, privacy, and personal
protection of whatever  * W E *  determine to be private information. The
government has gotten out of hand with this shit. If you are a member of the
F.B.I, C.I.A, S.S, N.S.A, X.Y.Z community and you don't like this action,
show up at my doorstep guns drawn. Cause you show up at MY door step, you'll
need them! That I promise!

To download the International version of PGP 2.93.ix within the U.S borders,
go here-------->> ftp://ftp.cyberspacetechnologies.com/pub/pgp/pgp263ix.zip

  Here is my homepage, http://www.cyberspacetechnologies.com
You can find anything you wnat about Cyrptography, General Encryption
Information, PGP, Anonymous Remailing, PGP and Cryptography Newsgroups, and
chat real time with folks from here. If you Feds don't want people like me
making shit like this avaliable, then come get me. (Excuse the rant folks,
but this shit is REALLY pissing me off!) McCain, take your Secured Public
Networks Act and shut it up your ass!
I'm done.
