From: (Name Withheld by Request)
To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Message Hash: dd77d5a9941040bbbab04064cff720998988bf64533197cd5c729a87f8a9b39d
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UTC Datetime: 1997-08-13 00:14:46 UTC
Raw Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 08:14:46 +0800
From: (Name Withheld by Request)
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 08:14:46 +0800
To: cypherpunks@Algebra.COM
Subject: Cypherpunks are a bunch of happy people
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MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Cypherpunks are a bunch of happy people
Discussed were, amongst many other subjects, PGP encryption, building
personal anonymous remailers, encryption of IP packets, and a kind of
anonymous remailing system for IP packets (http, ftp, ...) using 'onion'
These guys promised us some nice stuff for our homes and schools in the
near future like your own nice 'n' small anonymous remailer. If many people
put these up and a system of anonymous remailers who give messages to each
other before delivering it to the addressee is established, you can always
say that *your* remailer was just one of the middlemen, receiving stuff
from other anonymous remailers.
Next, we are going to get cheap (under US $1.000) linux routerboxes that
encrypt all traffic you send out to the network. Specially designed for the
school and the home. This makes surfing in the childrens bedroom perfectly
safe again!
On the anonymous remailing of IP packets project the cypherpunks are workng
together with the naval security of the USA. Why? These naval security
people are working on the same thing, and they need other traffic using the
same protocols to hide their own traffic in. Otherwise everyone can see
they are transmitting from A to B. However, the cypherpunks had to explain
the naval security first that if they want this technique more widespread,
they have to make it available for cheaper machines and morre widely used
operating systems... something they had not thought of themselves.
You might think: "Is all this not illegal?" No it's not (yet, in most
countries), and making up laws costs more time than writing good encryption
software, so say the cypherpunks. That is... if they can find enough people
to write the software. Yes, you guessed right, they are hiring!
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1997-08-13 (Wed, 13 Aug 1997 08:14:46 +0800) - Cypherpunks are a bunch of happy people - (Name Withheld by Request)