From: Lizard <>
To: Glenn Hauman <>
Message Hash: dc0829116aa04957794c94b9778df1e46afd3224a50d785e79530f9200edac39
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-09-12 18:37:10 UTC
Raw Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 02:37:10 +0800
From: Lizard <>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 1997 02:37:10 +0800
To: Glenn Hauman <>
Subject: Re: The problem of playing politics with our constitutional rights
In-Reply-To: <>
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At 11:14 AM 9/12/97 -0400, Glenn Hauman wrote:
>At 1:38 AM -0400 9/12/97, Lizard wrote:
>><SETH>And here we see more of the cult's recruitment. Note how he
>>talks about the *GOVERNMENT* and the *IRS*. Why doesn't he talk
about Pepsi
>>or GM wanting the keys to your house? More of this 'government bad,
>>business good' propaganda we've all grown so sick and tired of,
>>shoved down our throats. Small wonder this list has gone to hell!"
>Say what? Do you know how much companies pay for information about
you as a
>member of a demographic? (Think Equifax, Nielsen, or any mailing
>Corporations want as much info on you as possible-- luckily, the
>reason they want it is to sell you stuff, not to arrest you.
Sure...that's where the whole privacy debate comes in. Basic point
is, if I take steps to hide that information from them, they can't
shoot me. No company, to my knowledge, is claiming a *right* to know
things about me -- they may demand to know things about me as their
half of a contract, but I'm free to refuse, or falsify. And I often
I wonder if the government could 'sell' GAK to liberals, at least the
dumber ones (not anyone on this list), by saying, "And we'll use it
to make sure that information collected about you on the web isn't
used improperly!" (I mean, if businesses encrypt their internal
communications unbreakably, things like civil rights suits and the
Pinto 'smoking gun' will be harder to prove as well. )
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