From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Message Hash: 3fff9950703191dc1e3aad37dfeba40be1a3d83544c8a83c76be9091e0f07b83
Message ID: <>
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UTC Datetime: 1997-10-25 21:43:20 UTC
Raw Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 05:43:20 +0800
From: nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 05:43:20 +0800
Subject: Great Balls of Fire!
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
* In April in Port Washington, Wis., Kevin Gillson, 18, was
convicted of sexual assault of a child when his 15-year-old
girlfriend became pregnant, despite the fact that the couple were
attending parenting classes together and that Gillson said they
planned to marry. Upon conviction, Gillson was barred from being
around any non-adults, including the mother of his child. And
Richard A. Duke Jr., 22, was jailed for 30 days in May in St. Mary's
County, Md., for having sex with the 15-year-old girl whom he had
married in the interim between arrest and conviction. Nonetheless,
a judge ordered Duke, thus as a sex offender, to stay away from the
girl, even though she is his wife.
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1997-10-25 (Sun, 26 Oct 1997 05:43:20 +0800) - Great Balls of Fire! - nobody@REPLAY.COM (Anonymous)