1997-10-20 - Re: pro-crypto govt. people [find]

Header Data

From: “Attila T. Hun” <attila@hun.org>
To: Stanton McCandlish <fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
Message Hash: 7c5b671f82c549b81359c427a32d33e2bc7afb27e717c239b8f11d82c4a2b510
Message ID: <19971020.032653.attila@hun.org>
Reply To: <199710161900.MAA15010@eff.org>
UTC Datetime: 1997-10-20 03:59:59 UTC
Raw Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 11:59:59 +0800

Raw message

From: "Attila T. Hun" <attila@hun.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 11:59:59 +0800
To: Stanton McCandlish <fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
Subject: Re: pro-crypto govt. people [find]
In-Reply-To: <199710161900.MAA15010@eff.org>
Message-ID: <19971020.032653.attila@hun.org>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


    regarding ranking military personnel and/or prosecuters who
    were in favour of encryption and anti-GAK, the key issue is
    former -while in rank or in the DOJ they follow the party
    line --and they _know_ what the abuses are. I know more than
    a few, but they a) wont talk about it, b) are ex-spooks (if
    there is such a thing), and c) item 'b' makes them not good 
    testimonials anyway.

    just get a list of generals retiring in the last 5 years from
    the Congressional record since there is a rank pension retirement
    requirement --survey.  likewise, Bill Clinton fired every single
    on of the U.S. prosecuting attorneys when he took office in 1993;
    same thing: survey 'em.  some career DOJ types who were pretty
    pissed and not likely to view anything Bubba and F{ree,uck} are
    pushing with approval.

    bet you come up with some positive answers. if nothing else you
    might get some quotes; and some the retired generals were pretty
    crusty.  check the man who retired as head of the army 160th
    deep black spec ops group --swore in public, his troops never
    wore regulation, beards, etc. and I think General George S. 
    Patton IV retired a couple years ago with at least 2, maybe 
    3 stars.

    they're out there; get a grunt to get on with the research.

on or about 971016:1200 
    Stanton McCandlish <mech@eff.org> was purported to have 
    expostulated to perpetuate an opinion:

#This year I recall seeing 1 former prosecutor saying that widespread
#encryption was good and/or that GAK was bad, and 1 military or former military
#person of fairly high status saying that GAK was bad. Circa 1994-5 I also
#recall a military or retired miltiary person of rank reporting that very
#widespread crypto would be a boost to national security.  We could really use
#these people's, and similar people's, words in pro-crypto efforts.
#Unfortunately, disk problems a while back cost me most of my old mail,
#including all of these saved items. If anyone has them and/or knows who these
#people are, please let me know.

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be

