1997-10-03 - RE: counter-intuitive – spam is good for you. anonymous assholes are your friend

Header Data

From: “Attila T. Hun” <attila@hun.org>
To: Phillip Hallam-Baker <cypherpunks@cyberpass.net>
Message Hash: a75804c2eaef7aedaa8e9956be3d101cbdee026a92d31171a8fab1fd6059ce5f
Message ID: <199710030803.CAA17846@infowest.com>
Reply To: <01BCCF84.84FC2100.hallam@ai.mit.edu>
UTC Datetime: 1997-10-03 08:10:56 UTC
Raw Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 16:10:56 +0800

Raw message

From: "Attila T. Hun" <attila@hun.org>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 16:10:56 +0800
To: Phillip Hallam-Baker <cypherpunks@cyberpass.net>
Subject: RE: counter-intuitive -- spam is good for you.  anonymous assholes are your friend
In-Reply-To: <01BCCF84.84FC2100.hallam@ai.mit.edu>
Message-ID: <199710030803.CAA17846@infowest.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


on or about 971002:2232 
    Phillip Hallam-Baker <hallam@ai.mit.edu> purported to expostulate:

+On Thursday, October 02, 1997 11:54 AM, 
    Attila T. Hun [SMTP:attila@hun.org] wrote: 

+> if Phill is secure, what difference does it make if you assault 
+> him?  my guess is he is not secure, and probably has no clue how
+> to get from there to secure.

+Because when you ring the alarm bell on my system
+it is answered by law enforcement and it costs about 
+$10,000 a time to deal with the issue.

+Setting off fire alarms costs real money. 

    my only comment is: "may you have many false alarms."

    waving the big stick of law enforcement as a warning is nothing
    more than a pre-potty trained bully with a bunch of goons to 
    back him up as he stomps around his playpen.

    law enforcement did not deterred the hacks on the state department,
    the FBI, and even the CIA.  I dont advocate the hacks, but it is     
    amusing to watch the great watchdogs of security take a hit.

    with your spoiled brat rantings, you make your site as tempting as 
    some of the other nose tweakers who need a serious attitude adjustment

    in other words, get off your fucking horse, it has a broken leg.
    dont forget to call home, your mums waiting.

        attila out

+Incidentally the security line you are pushing is a crock. To get real
+security I believe you have to have feedback
+and monitoring. This is especially important in an institutional
+setting where you may not have complete control of critical
+infrastructure. For my application simply hoping the guys  with the
+white hats find security holes before those in the  black ones do is
+simply not enough.

+In any case I'm not as complacent as Attila seems to think the security
+model has been amply reviewed by the best
+in the field.

+Threatening to catch the malefactor and put him behind bars is a
+valuable additional security tool. The more bad guys there are behind
+bars the less time I have to spend worrying.

+		Phill

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1
Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be

